Ch:1. Teenage : A new phase of life
Ch : 2 Mental consequences
Ch:3 Attraction and teenage
Ch:4 Parents
Section two : Introduction
Ch:5 The world through the eyes of a teenager
Ch : 6 Drugs and peer pressure
Ch : 7 Misleading freindship
Ch :8 How to prevent these problems
Section : 3 Introduction
Ch:9 competition and mindset
Ch:10 Shaping yourself
Ch : 11 Marks vs effort
Ch: 12 A beautiful message
Section two : Introduction
Teenage has both sides, good and bad  it depends which way they take. Bad side has destroyed life of millions of teenagers, they see the world through a different way at that phase. But, self knowledge should be a thing teens should think about before getting addicted to something. Just think about what will happen if I get addicted to it?, will it ruin my future?,will it affect my health?. Dear teens, don't be so much careless that you forget about your future. Just please think twice before doing anything. So, let's start with first chapter.
© Vinay Deshlahare,
книга «What lies ahead».
Ch:5 The world through the eyes of a teenager