Sexy as fuck
No Future
Fuck it.
An explanation perhaps?
"Lizzie Mar Moore"
To little to late
To little to late
The rest of that day was a mess, his phone was dead, he had to pay an exaggerated amount of money for that crappy motel, walked all the way to the party, and got home.
That must've been the worst: Amara was furious.
Gorgina had told her he'd had sex with another girl, strangely she failed to mention she herself attempted to do so. But that was just a little detail.
Once Amara calmed down they sat down and he told her the entire story, how Gorgie menaced him to stay, how   Lizzie attracted him at the top of the roof, how they had a lot of fun and ended up having sex.
Amara stayed quiet the entire time, she wasn't mad anymore : she simply seemed disappointed.
It wasn't surprising considering the times he'd repeated a similar story of how they meant nothing, how she was special and how horrible he felt.
Luke often wondered why she stayed with him, she was such a wonderful girl, with such a big heart and soul. He didn't deserve her, and he knew it.
Sure she flipped out a lot but she's a really nice person and most of all, extremely loyal.
The worst part is that, Luke doesn't even know why he cheats! It's not as if she wasn't good in bed, maybe it was just because he preferred to keep his player reputation.
"Amara," he said after a long pause. "I really am sorry."
She sighed without meeting his eyes. He waited for her to formulate the answer she was constructing.
"I think you need some time alone to sort things through.
"We've already done this to many times, you're sorry and then you cheat again. I can't take it no more!"
She finally met his eyes, tears were starting to fall. She didn't want to do this but he left her no choice!
"Please don't do this..." Luke begged, but it was too little to late.

Amara had made her decision.
© cara ,
книга «I'm a Hurricane».