Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
It has been a week since Timothy and I started going everywhere together, honestly it has been the worst seven days of my entire existence. Timothy was needy, annoying, prone to anger, rude, too quiet, again annoying and a giant pain in my butthole.

It was about ten minutes to gym class, I was currently begging Timothy to change into his gym clothes, despite all my threats he still refused to wear them because he thought they were too small and would show his package.

"There is no where in hell I'm wearing that thing, it's meant for like ten year olds and I'm a full grown boy, if you know what I mean," he grumbled. I rolled my eyes at his pettiness.

Pushing him into the boys locker room proved to be difficult because he was way to tall and heavy for me, even though I was about 5'7.

"Please Timothy just change into it, all the other boys wear it and they don't seem to care that they are grown boys." I attemped to push him again, but he wouldn't budge. I was internally happy that only few students were passing the hallway. Not many people would see me act like a complete psychopath.

"Of course they don't, they're juniors, juniors are dumb." He folded his arms.

"You're a junior too," I grumbled.

He shrugged.

I took in a deep breath of confidence and thought over my next strategy, I only had five minutes to go, there was no way I would be late for a class because of him.

"You know you don't have to make me go. You can just leave and be early for gym class, we both know you don't want to be late," he persuaded, a light smirk played on his face, aggravating me a bit.

I pondered over his words, I could leave him behind, it was just one absent. However Ms. Isla would be so disappointed in me, I couldn't live with that.

"Ok look, I'll give you some ehem-" I looked around to make sure none of the nosy students could hear me. Timothy gazed at me with raised brows, probably wondering why was being so secretive.

"Some weed," I whispered in his ears. His blue eyes widened in evident surprise. Then he burst out in laughter.

"You, have weed, that's hilarious April. You almost got me." He chuckled.

I held my hand to ny heart in offence, "Hey I do have weed. My parents-- let's say they are into it."

He held his fingers to his chin in thought.

"What makes you think I'm interested into your weed you probably think I'm one of those guys who loves to do drugs. Is it the rumors April? Is that why you think I want your weed?"

"N-no I-I." I couldn't get my brain to produce real words because his questions were so soul crushing. I was so judgemental, I was a hypocritical person who deserved to rot and-

"Well you're totally right. Make sure to give it to me after school. No take backs," he suddenly said, erasing all my previous thoughts.

I sighed in relief, "Of course, now shoo!" I pushed him. He rolled his eyes as he walked into the locker room.

My mission was complete, but I was so going to hell.


Valerie and I walked to the exit, surrounded by teenagers eager to leave school. We reached the parking lot and my eyes zeroed to Timothy casually leaning against my car.

"Umm what's the rude dude doing beside your car?" Valerie asked, wearing bitter frown. Her nickname for him originated from when he pretended not to know who she was, every time he would ask who she was and that made Valerie furious, hence the nickname 'rude dude'. It wasn't only Valerie, he pretended to not remember any teacher, which was frustrating.

"Oh yeah, I promised him some weed if he went to gym class," I casually said, Valerie burst into laughter just like Timothy.

"Yeah right, nice one."

"Hey I do have weed ok, actually my parents gave me some to calm me."

We finally reached my car, Timothy was plugged so he didn't hear us coming

"I can't believe you'd do that, you finally turned to the dark side. I'm proud." She grinned, I gave her a sour look.

"I've not turned to the dark side," I said, "I simply just needed to make my job easier and it seems like only weed can do that."

Timothy glanced at us with raised eyebrows, both ends of his lips turned up into a bright smile. Honestly it was a nice smile. Maybe I would give him weed more often.

"My weed chop chop," He said with no hesitation.

"Wow you really want your weed," I said as I unlocked my car. I got in and searched under the front seat for the weed. The nylon bag came in contact with my tiny hands, I smiled in relief because for a moment I doubted that I still had it.

I looked up too see how Valerie was enjoying her alone time with Timothy. I chuckled as I saw her frown. She looked like she was ready to punch the guy. Timothy on the other hand seemed oblivious, as he stared aimlessly into the sky. He probably pretended not to know her again.

As I exited my car, I discreetly hide the bag of weed by my side, just in case.

"What took you so long?" Valerie asked with furious eyes. I could almost see the smoke exiting her nose.

"I only took like thirty seconds geez," I said. She shook her head in annoyance.

Timothy stared at me for a while before his seeking eyes reached the weed by my side.

"Gimme it." He reached for the weed.

"Chill, it's just weed." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah that's coming from someone who gets excited about home work." He scoffed. Valerie giggled mockingly, traitor.

"Fine, take it." I handed him the weed. He grabbed it quickly and stuffed it into his shoulder bag.

"It was nice doing business with you April, I'll be sure to be a good boy."

He walked away in pure giddiness, which confused me. Why was he so happy because of weed?

"That dude is weird," Valerie commented.

I nodded in agreement, "He sure is."
© cherioo,
книга «The Original Good Girl».
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Показати всі коментарі (4)
Chapter 3
Good girl gone bad
2018-07-13 22:27:18
Chapter 3
Next time I wanna annoy someone I'll just pretend to not know them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
2018-07-15 04:50:49
Chapter 3
2020-11-25 04:35:25