Warning:Being Addicted.
Chrissy Don't Care
Wrong and Right
Jaymi Doesn't Know How To Quit
Wish I Could Be That Guy
Summer Holiday Drama
Stay With You
Pricked By The Needle
An Old Isolated City
Having Feelings (Part 1)
Having Feelings (Part 2)
Whatever It Takes To Find Him
Stabbed In The Back
A Little Talk
BFF (Best Fake Friend)
Warning:Being Addicted.
This is Ameii, never get addicted.Ever. See,I like this guy Jaymi. I have 3 BFF's and I have 23 general friends. I'm not even close to popular. In Geography, Jaymi is always there,were partners and he just makes me laugh and he has eyes of a gem an-

Teacher:"Get up,Ameii! You need to pay attention,you have tests next week so pay close attention."

I'll  just have to think inside the box today. No writing in my diary during class.Do not hesitate Ameii.

Jaymi just stares at Christine,all dreamy like...I don't get how every boy likes Christine,I don't see the good in her although she sounds down-to-earth and helps with charity,I think she's really a devil in disguise.

Christine's P.O.V  Hello,losers this is Chrissy but don't call me that! If you think you know me,you don't! I'm not an underdog in relationships,I'm the leader,whatever I say goes and even if I'm in a girl/boy relationship I still take control.

Jaymi's P.O.V  This is Jaymi,not Jamie. And I really used to like this girl in my geography class but I'm over her, I like Christine,she has green emerald eyes,perfect red lips,nice perfume, $1,238 designer clothing, heels, blonde hair and she helps with charity,Ameii says she's just a devil that I'll regret asking her out,but she sounds JELLY, she always has to make her point. I'm addicted to Christine.

Brittany's P.O.V  Hey guys, this is the girl who was just like Jaymi who thought such a good-looking girl was really nice,but he was wrong,just describe me as the storyteller for the rest of this bio. Christine was awarded five times in a row 'Charity Lover' because apparently her Dad influenced her to help charity. Ameii is addicted to being loved if she isn't loved you won't see her come to school in 2 weeks this is why Christine pretends to be her friend. Your probably thinking ,why are you letting this happen?

  Your about to find out.....

© Praise Okpanefe,
книга «Addicted To You».