Live one day at a time
Live one day at a time
Building a successful career and dreaming about a happy future can make one's life either perfect or terrifying.

What are you waiting for?

Live one day life. Learn, teach, explore, relax, enjoy your something. Be proud of what you are doing and the way you are doing. Live one day life, when matters what you want and  doesn't matter how you do it. But remember that life consists of millions of "one day" - live your life the way you won't blame yourself you've lost or didn't try something.

Setting priorities, red lines and goals is the fundamental principle of a happy life.

Goal - your reason to live, your reason to wake up every morning. You may have a few of them and manage your life to achieve each.

Priorities - goals, people, things that you consider to be more important than others.

Red lines - lines that you can not cross, such as borders. Depends. Or lines that you won't let anybody to cross in conversation, behavior, relations.

A happy life doesn't mean a successful life. You may feel over the moon drinking as hell with your friends on Saturday nights and cleaning bathrooms on Wednesday. Only measure what is happiness for you. You may feel under the weather eating shrimps for breakfast, having two pretty daughters and living a rich life. The most important thing to understand is that happiness is always with us, near us, in us, because of us.


Irin knows it. She has never been that kind of person seeking success, money, love to be happy. She is happy because of doing it now, because of starts and failures, because of trying and burning a midnight oil to achieve something. That makes Irin happy - living Her life.

Her one-day life consists of sweet pain of goal-reaching. She is spending her money on friends, photos, and clothes. 

Friends - to be needed, gifts to appreciate and be appreciated, clothe - to be needed and appreciated the way She wants. 

She knows she will make more money for Herself to live. She eats healthy, unhealthy, doesn't eat at all. It depends. She likes adventures that make Her hate adventures. She can let Herself fall in love, but love is a responsibility of both. She lets Herself express feelings but in an accurate way - not to have looses or to cut them down. She drinks alcohol and gets drunk. Irin can let Herself do it with few people She trusts or rarely in the evening drinks #SexAtTheBeach alone watching YouTube fashion channels. She oversleeps or doesn't sleep till the work is finished.

Her lifestyle makes Her feel anger, happiness, fun, danger. She understands that life can be long and end during any period of time. She believes She can leave any moment, at any place. Irin needs to live life achieving, reaching and being happy with what She is doing.

Living one-day life for Irin means to understand the importance of each of her days, so be responsible for what She does even it can have bad consequences.

Since childhood, She has been doing the dancing. Tied schedule, long workouts, anorexia and doing weights made Her body to feel kind of blue. So now She has a little pain in back walking, an enormous pain after hours of workouts, pain after a long sleep, pain after long term running. 

But the most terrible pain She can feel is understanding she may leave this big masochistic business. 

She got used being in pain. Sweet pain of goal-reaching.

© Irin Makohonenko,
книга «Walking Body or Person».