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2018-05-31 00:25:23
Новини, Думки вголос
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ملاك عطوات
Luck is when good things happen to you... If you as a person believe in your luck, then you WILL be a lucky person If you keep saying I'm not lucky then you surely won't be
2018-06-01 13:38:36
ملاك عطوات
@Марія 👍👍👍
Luck is not easy to explain there are thousands of ways that people can word and interpret it. The way I see it is luck is when you have something good to happen and that bad thing that everyone else has happen does not. When you think bad bad could happen or could not same as when you think positive you are lucky when good happens so I believe that the way you think does and does not affect if luck happens to you because in the end it is not in you hands what happens most of the time. When you are breathing and not dead you are lucky, when you can look in yhe mirror and not say or feel bad about yourself you are lucky, when you have a loving boyfriend that does not cheat you are lucky, when you get into the college of your dreams instead of not being able to since you can't afford it you are lucky, and when you can think without having your demons attack and plague those thoughts with bad things you are lucky. That is how I see luck it happens and dont you cannot control it only how you act towards what happens,
2018-06-03 23:20:03