This is just the beginning
My Neferut
Who am I ?

Darkness awakens our subconscious fears, releasing the inner demons we try not to think about during the day.It forces us to confront our deepest fears, the ones before which we are powerless...


I still feel the fear, he was unknown to me until I met her…

There isn’t a single person around, which is strange since today is Dominik’s funeral. Did I really come here alone?

I walk through the empty, dark streets towards the cemetery. It is even more gloomy than the village, holding within it centuries of life—or rather, life after death. There are countless legends about what happens after death: hell? Heaven? Or perhaps a secret world?

People don’t want to accept the fact that those who have died simply rot in the ground. They no longer know life..

They don’t want to believe that the dearest person is no longer by their side after death.

So, people invented tales, legends and stories about what doesn’t exist.

But does it really not exist?

It’s quiet all around, and the only sound is the rustling of leaves in the trees..

It was quiet until I saw them….

They were everywhere: dark, small, large, fierce, and evil.

They didn’t look anywhere but into my eyes. They wanted to instill fear, and they succeeded..

I run as fast and as far as I can, but I keep returning to that tree. The tree stands in the middle of the cemetery, and next to it lies Dominik.

He sleeps peacefully while all around, evil spirits and monsters lurk.

They come closer and closer to me, and I can’t escape.

I scream as loudly as I can, but there are no people, no one around except them and me.

My gaze stops on one of the creatures, it looked at me with eyes full of hatred but then suddenly turned towards Dominik.

One by one, they move towards him—the one who will rot in the ground because of me….

I had lost all hope when suddenly Dominik woke up..

He rose from his coffin, pale and grim.

— Dominik, you’re alive! You’re here!

— This is your fault! You killed me! It’s youuuuu!

He suddenly changed and attacked me. My friend was now looking at me with eyes full of anger.

— You’re a monster, Moriana!!! They’ve come for you! Accept them!

He pointed at all the evil spirits surrounding us.

— Accept them!

— Accept us!

— Morrrriiiiannnaaaaaa

— Morrrrriaaaannnaaaaaa

I woke up with a pain in my chest. This nightmare has come to me for the second time.

My throat was dry, and my chest felt tight…

I’m drained, alone, terrified to death.

Who is Moriana? I keep hearing this name too often.

After gathering myself, I got ready for today, as it’s Dominik’s burial day.

I walk beside Dominik’s parents while four men carry his coffin ahead of us. The sky is covered with black clouds, and people are somber. Everyone in the village knew Dominik, which isn’t surprising because he was like a ray of sunshine, always helping, rescuing, and smiling. Well, he used to smile…

The girls who were always chasing after him were crying loudly, too loudly, and it made my heart heavy. Finally, they placed the coffin near the tree—the same one from my dream. I looked around in fear, but luckily or unfortunately, no one was there. It was time to say goodbye. One by one, people approached the coffin and shared their memories of Dominik. Each word was filled with sorrow and regret.

And then it was my turn. After his death, many people gave me side glances and blamed me because he died right in front of me, on my lap. But I agreed with them; I blamed myself for not protecting him. For the fact that something whispered to me that day, and I acted on it.

As I approached closer, I noticed for the first time in years how handsome Dominik was.

Girls were always chasing after him, but not me, because he was always by my side. He was always with me.

But now it’s not like that anymore.

I’ve been to funerals before, and I always cried, cried until my throat was dry and my eyes were swollen, but not this time. I don’t cry, no…

A month has passed since Dominik died. Almost every day I have nightmares; they’re always different, but one thing never changes—the name Moriana. I’ve also noticed that people I talk to either get sick, or die.

Three people I’ve spoken to have died, and quite a few have fallen ill. It might sound like nonsense, but it feels as if I’m carrying disease or death. Since I turned 18, I hear whispers and see these nightmares. In both, there is one name. I don’t understand what’s happening to me, and I don’t understand how Dominik died after all?

I had known him for many years and nothing like this had ever happened. On the contrary, he was almost never sick, so why did a healthy eighteen-year-old suddenly have a heart attack?

There are so many questions, and they all lead to Moriana, but why is she whispering to me?

The villagers have started calling me a witch because they’ve noticed the strange occurrences too. But fortunately, Dominik’s parents are very kind and don’t believe the rumors. And so, on my way home from the market, I saw an old blind man.

He had a walking stick, but it had fallen, and he was trying to find it.

I approached him to help, and immediately felt something strange.

— Let me help you.

I picked up the stick and handed it to him. I also guided him to a bench and was about to leave when I heard it again…

— Thank you, Moriana
© Lady K.I.M ,
книга «Bringer of death ».