This is just the beginning
My Neferut
Who am I ?
My Neferut


Darkness is a mystery. It protects itself, hiding the truth behind a veil of the unknown.

People do not fear the darkness itself, but what it might be hiding.

What lurks in the shadows? Who or what stands behind you?

And that's when the imagination paints the worst scenarios.


Since the age of nine, all I've heard from everyone was, "orphan, poor thing, how pitiful she is..."My parents died in a fire, and my grandmother passed away before I was born. And so, I became an orphan, left all alone.Sitting under a tree, I thought about my future. Will I remain alone until the end of my days, always seeing the pitying eyes of people?

My thoughts were interrupted by a stone. Someone threw it at my hand.

—Hey, why are you throwing stones?

—I thought you were dead.

It was a boy with light hair and green eyes. His eyes reminded me of the forest nearby. So mysterious, bold, and beautiful. The boy sat next to me and said a phrase that I remembered forever.

—Let's be friends, my Neferut.

—Neferut?? Who's that? My name is Riana.

The boy was very surprised because this girl didn't even know the meaning of the word. Neferut means pure beauty, loyalty, and importance in life. This dark-skinned girl with beautiful black hair looked at him with curious brown eyes full of questions.

—So, who is Neferut?

—A dirty little pig, just like you.

—If you want to be friends, don’t call me that! I’m not dirty, and I’m not a pig!

—Alright, my Neferut.

And so the years passed, with Dominic and Riana becoming inseparable. Some people condemned Dominic for being friends with an orphan, especially those who didn’t know how beautiful and wonderful Riana was in Dominic's eyes. His parents were good people, and they accepted Riana as their own daughter.**

—Dominic, happy birthday!

Dominic turned 15.

—Come on, blow out the candles, but first, make a wish.

I clasped my hands together.

“I wish that Riana and I will never part and remain faithful friends forever. No, I want her to love me just as much as I love her.”

I blew out the candles and looked at her. My Neferut was so beautiful in that moment; she truly shone, like a child...

—Dominic, what wish did you make?

—You can’t tell your wish, or it won’t come true.

—Well, you can tell me, can’t you? Come on, Dominic, what did you wish for?

I so badly wanted to tell her, so badly wanted her to hear those words...

—Alright, if you don’t want to tell me, then don’t. I’ll tell you my wish.

Riana looked at the sky.

—I want to see the whole world with you; I want to meet each day with adventures and just live.

My heart skipped a beat, once, twice...

That’s when I finally realized I was completely in love with her.

—Then let’s make that wish come true. Let’s find adventures together.

On the day of Dominic’s death.” 

Here we are, eighteen years old, still friends with my Neferut.With each passing day, she becomes more beautiful. But she took up the wrong cause. 

Once again, I see her taking out her sword and going off to train. How many times have I told her that this isn’t what she should be doing? But no, Riana is as stubborn as a ram.

She doesn’t understand that by going to war, she could die. I might never see her again. When I saw my Neferut lying on the ground two weeks ago, I couldn’t find peace. 

What if she doesn’t wake up? No, I can’t allow her to go to certain death.

**“The argument begins, which can be read in Chapter 1.”**

With each word, I felt her pain, but I had to say it. I had to make sure she never took up the sword again, even if it meant she would hate me.

When I spoke the last words, I didn’t recognize my Neferut. She became dark, her eyes empty and black...

I didn’t have time to understand what was happening when something stabbed in my chest, so painfully, so very painfully...

I can’t breathe anymore; I can’t stand...

And now, before death, I see her, my frightened Neferut. I don’t want to leave you; I don’t want to. I never wanted to cause you pain, never. Don’t be afraid, I will return, I must return so that I can fulfill your wish...

I will return to finally tell you what I wished for all those birthdays.

I love you, my Neferut—pure beauty, loyalty, and importance in life. 

You are my important half; 

You are my Riana.

© Lady K.I.M ,
книга «Bringer of death ».