Chapter 1: The Illusion
Chapter 2: The Grand Scale
Chapter 3: Escaping the Box
Chapter 4: Fine Lines
Chapter 5: Money vs Old Socks
Chapter 6: The illusion of Time
Chapter 7: Don't Forget To Play
Chapter 8: How To See Past The Strategy
Chapter 9: The Philosophy of Li
Chapter 10: The Wisest King
Chapter 11: The Indefinitely Basic
Chapter 12: Is World Peace Feasible?
Chapter 13: The Test
Chapter 12: Is World Peace Feasible?
The only reason why artists are so skeptical about talking about peace is because at this point talking about it seems redundant & has actually been infiltrated by fake people who talk the talk but never walk when it's time. It's about actually living it. There is no path to find peace. Peace is the way of the path itself & is only found when you search within yourself. Once someone learns that he or she is effected & influenced directly by their ecosystem. They may then consciously allow certain types of people & things to influence them & others not to. The power of the mind is a very incredible force that once fully accessed can truly impact the lives of many many people in a positive way. Unfortunately it also has the ability to do just as much negatively given the individuals intentions but we're looking at the positive qualities here. According to a study conducted by Neuroscience ("On Average")
people who are not at the genius IQ level test score only use 5% of their conscious mind & 95% of their subconscious mind. Everyone in the world has the potential to break through this barrier through genuine meditation, inner peace, & exponential development of their intelligence.
© Derek Lee,
книга «What They Don't Want You To Know».
Chapter 13: The Test