Chapter 1: The Illusion
Chapter 2: The Grand Scale
Chapter 3: Escaping the Box
Chapter 4: Fine Lines
Chapter 5: Money vs Old Socks
Chapter 6: The illusion of Time
Chapter 7: Don't Forget To Play
Chapter 8: How To See Past The Strategy
Chapter 9: The Philosophy of Li
Chapter 10: The Wisest King
Chapter 11: The Indefinitely Basic
Chapter 12: Is World Peace Feasible?
Chapter 13: The Test
Chapter 2: The Grand Scale
   The information contained herein is strictly from my individual point of view & I encourage you to try & relate to & include it into your life on a daily basis.
   The difference between perspective & perception is that perception is how you view something in particular given your moral standpoint while perspective is the exact angle from which you witness something.
   In life we are taught & learn many lessons. These lessons are more like figurative doorways leading us up to more lessons. What I have found to be more productive than taking a lesson at face value is to learn as many new relative lesson's from one single experience as possible.
   We are all people & we all have feelings & bodily functions & even private thoughts that may not even be as private as we believe but I'll get back to that in a minute. The word community when dissected spells comm unity or come unity. Proper delivery of communication & expressing your inner thoughts out into the world is more than important. It is key. The one thing that is more important than communication in regards to this topic is civil collaboration upon what it is that's already been communicated.
   At some points in life when people try to communicate with you by coughing or clearing of the throat It makes no sense. It's a bodily function & it's basically the same thing as trying to talk using a fart or a burp. It's rude. Just be polite & civilly talk to me. If what you were trying to express is rude & unnecessary you probably shouldn't be saying it anyway & it's unnecessary to progress.
   I know that it can be difficult to set aside all emotional attachment for certain things in order to collaborate or work together but just because it's hard does not mean that it's impossible & I'm here to help you through it if you are willing to listen & learn. Remember what I said earlier though, that when we learn something new do not only take it at face value.
I expect you to be an individual & a free thinker with analyzing everything I show you. I want you to show me what you have learned from it. Not just reiterate that which I am telling you by using different words, that just means that you've excelled in your study of vocabulary.
   Remember that emotional people who are so restricted by their state of living that their own emotions are in control over their decisions & will fail to see anything that you show to them. Unfortunately there will inevitably be casualties in the growing & development of the modern era. The people who are stuck in their ways will defy common sense & reason in order to stay inside of their boxes. You must leave these kinds of people if you want your freedom.
   Walking away doesn't mean that you have lost anything. If they love you & truly trust you they will understand. It just means that you are strong enough to know exactly what you're capable of & that the ignorance of the person who is acting on only emotions, & not logic or common sense. Doesn't deserve to have that unleashed on them since they don't know any better & they still have the right to free will even if it's not in their best interest. Don't let them walk all over you though, you have every bit as much right to make your decision as they do. Accepting life on life's terms can be a very difficult task sometimes. Envision yourself at a loss of all of your material possessions excluding the clothes on your back & be happy about it. Imagine exactly how this would feel. It's as if a weight has been lifted isn't it? That my friends is genuine freedom. No restrictions, no burdens, only you & your newfound free space to start building.
© Derek Lee,
книга «What They Don't Want You To Know».
Chapter 3: Escaping the Box