chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 13
" I ... I ... can't choose" I say.... wanting to shoot her but no ammo.

"Aw, please, choose one " she giggles.

I kept silence

"Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, time is running out," she says

"I won't choose one" I yelled

" Okay let me make it easier for you," she says as she takes out the gun. Shot mom one bullet in heart shot John in the brain and dropped the gun. Taking a knife from her back of her jeans and threw it in commander's neck.

"That's what traitor deserves " Sarah muttered.

My arms were heavy and my knees were shaking, I couldn't stand anymore. I fell into the cement. Crying, hoping that all of it was just a long nightmare. I took a glance on th bloody scene, all I saw was grey blood. Please be sleeping please I'm begging you.

But it wasn't, it was a reality.

"And guess who's next? Yup, you guessed it, it's you.

you really thought I would give a clovek my throne? When the cloves ruling, you killed snakes and crocodiles for just a bag. You took an elephant' shorn, cheetah' s claws. You killed your own people, you destroyed the earth. We saved you from burning up from global warming, and this is the way how you say thank you?! " Sarah says.

She pointed the gun right on my head. I closed my eyes. And I heard a shot. . . I heard Sarah screaming and falling into the ground. I opened my eyes. I found that all three half men killed by the other half man , and he was taking over.I looked at Sarah who she was shot in the leg , and couldn't stand no more, I took her gun, stood up, and pointed the gun into her head. Her smile faded.

"Stop please don't " she begged

"You didn't expect to get stabbed from the back by a friend, did you?" I say.

"I'm sorry, we were best friends, remember? We were like soulmates, we were inseparable, and your family are alive, those are just illusion. I swear. They are down, please accept my apology"

"Pull the trigger, no one is going to do it for you!!" The half man who shot Sarah

Wait my family are alive, that was a nightmare, they actually could be an illusion, I have seen one before.but then it hit me.

"Apology accepted, trust denied, " I say as I pulled the trigger

Her body fell, soulless, her blood was black as darkness. I dropped the gun, trying to realize what's happening.

The half man came running to me, guiding me.

"What makes you think that she's a liar?" The man asks

"Only a good liar can detect a lie from a liar, she knew that John was somehow murderer," I say.

"The war is ended, you are the alpha from now on "

"I don't want to be the leader"

" you can't quit who you are "

"What about the second alpha?"

"They poisoned him"

Days past, and yet the memories are haunting me. Every time I remember a funny incident with my mom or John or commander. I laugh for a moment but cry for hours for remembering that they aren't here. I can't move on. I finally felt physical pain.

The End.

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книга «the broken dream».