This is just the beginning
My Neferut
Who am I ?
This is just the beginning

Darkness... Something invisible, something unknown, something that hides behind every corner.

It arrives quietly, silently, like a soft cloud that embraces everything around.

But why does it evoke such fear?


Not far from the forest lies the village of Mantra. It’s an unremarkable village, and in it lives an unremarkable girl...

“Rhianna, wait a minute.”

“If you're going to tell me again that the sword isn’t for me, I swear I won’t say another word to you.”

“Oh, come on, how could you not talk to your childhood friend, especially one as charming and handsome as me?”

“Charming boy, you’d better watch out, or those girls behind us might bore holes in you with their stares.”

“Is my Neferut jealous?”

“I told you not to call me that. Dominic, if you’ve got nothing better to do, then here, help me out.”

I placed the basket of laundry in his hands and dashed around the corner. Dominic is my childhood friend, though there are plenty of rumors. Some think we’re a couple, others say he pities me because I'm an orphan, and some even think we’re married. Ridiculous, we’re only eighteen, but that doesn’t seem to matter to them.

When I rounded the corner, I saw that no one was there, which wasn’t surprising since the market had long closed. Walking past the empty stalls, I heard a whisper.




My head was splitting; the voices grew louder.

“Mooorrrrriiiiaaannnaaa, come to us.”

“Accept us.”

Blood dripped from my nose as the voices disappeared... I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything...

“Rhianna!! What are you doing here? What happened? You're bleeding!”

It was Dominic, I hoped it was him because everything was like in a fog, or maybe it really was fog!

“What is this?”

I woke up in bed, surrounded by either fog or smoke. As I began to understand what was happening, my head started spinning again.

But fortunately, or unfortunately, Dominic was there.

“How do you feel?”

“My head hurts. What happened to me?”

“When I found you, you were lying on the ground with a nosebleed. I brought you home and called a nun to figure out what had happened.”

“And did she figure it out?”

“She said it was due to exhaustion and gave you some candles that should help.”

Two weeks have passed since that incident, and nothing similar has happened again.

I grabbed the sword and swung it when suddenly someone shouted.

“Rhianna! I told you to stop.”

“Stop what? I want to be useful.”

“You’ll be useful if you stop holding that thing.”

He pointed at the sword. Dominic disapproves of my choice to go to war because I’m a girl. And so what if I’m a girl?

“I’ll do what I want, so stay out of it!”

“You’ve really become arrogant. You know, Rhianna, I’ve always supported your escapades, but this is too much. Look at yourself, you’re an uneducated girl with no friends, no family. And you’re going to lose me too because of your pride. You’re just a spoiled girl who knows nothing.
You’re worthless!! So stop playing these games.”

Every word, every phrase from his mouth struck me so hard I could barely stand. He’s the one I trust, the only one I have, and he thinks this way about me. “Uneducated,” one arrow to the chest. “Orphan,” the second arrow. “Worthless,” the third, fourth, fifth arrows pierced my flesh...

I hear and see nothing again... The voice returns.

“Mooorrrriiiiaaaaannnaaa, kill him!”

“Kill him, kill him!”

No! I won’t, he’s my friend!

“Kill him, kill him, kill him.”

Dominic suddenly clutched his chest and fell into my arms.. 

He's my friend...

He my... 

He was my friend.... 
© Lady K.I.M ,
книга «Bringer of death ».