Jess had always been a nice daughter but never a sister. When she first saw Nelly and a baby she loved her like she was her life. The 3 year old took Nelly in her tiny arms. She loved her like a sister would, she never had intentions of hurting her like she did now. it was until Nelly started to be a main attention for her parents. They would praise her when her reports were of only As, Jess brought home the same results, but she wouldn't be praised like Nelly was. That's when Jess started to become jealous of her sister, and this jealousy blinded her and she began hating Nelly. Around the age of 6, Nelly was playing in the garden like any normal kid would, Jess who was 9 at the moment, came up to her and slit her cheek. Nelly didn't understand the act and took away the knife. Then Jess all of a sudden started crying and screaming calling Jonie and Ethan. As the couple steeped in the garden, what they saw was not as it seemed to be. Their daughter harmed by her sister, Jess as the prey, an innocent doe and Nelly as predator, a blood thirsty tiger. Words stammered from Nelly as she tried to explain that it was not her. But in vein, they didn't trust her. After that incident, Nelly was different to them, she was unloved, used and not seen as a daughter and a sister.