Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Unexpected News
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Highway to Hell
Chapter 5: Waiting
Chapter 6: Parks and Recreation
Chapter 7: Funerals and Dicks
Chapter 8: No Honor Among A Thief
Chapter 9: Confessions
Chapter 10: Just Tire Tracks
Chapter 11: A Brand-New Idea
Chapter 12: Second Avenue
Chapter 13: A Little Shop of Inspiration
Chapter 14: Escaping Joseph
Chapter 15: Billy Townes
Chapter 16: Going to Australia
Chapter 17: The Plan
Chapter 18: The Homeless Girl
Chapter 19: Breaking News
Chapter 20: Bonding with Erykah
Chapter 21: It Is Always Crazy In Queens
Chapter 22: Some Helpful Advice
Chapter 23: Dropping Off Erykah
Chapter 24: Kristy's Here
Chapter 25: Goodbye New York
Chapter 26: A Long Way to Australia
Chapter 27: Airplane Sickness
Chapter 28: Arriving Shortly
Chapter 29: Free Vegan Steak
Chapter 30: Picasso at Work
Chapter 31: Hotel for Two
Chapter 32: Movie Production
Chapter 16: Going to Australia


Lowering the music volume, Kristy comes to my aid, as she dashed towards the receiver, swooped up the phone, and answered it.

"Hello?" asked Kristy. "Who is this?"

Peering closer to her, I expected Joseph's angry voice threatening Kristy.

But luckily, it wasn't Joseph; it was one of Olivia and Kristy's friends from the LGBT community.

With a passionate smile on her perfect lips, Kristy greeted her friend with a casual "Hello".

"How are you?" she beamed. "My wife and I are hosting a party for Billy."

She listens attentively to the voice, bobbing every word it says.

"It's fine if you couldn't make it." Kristy went on, pacing calmly around the kitchen. "There is always next time—"

Unexpectedly, Kristy interrupts her sentence when the rosy color drained from Kristy's face.

Her jaw was dropped; her eyes bulged in shock, and her body begins to tremble; even though it was at least seventy-five degrees in here.

"Holy shit!" Kristy cried, slamming the phone back in its receiver.

Alerted, Olivia, Billy, Austin, and I scrambled up to a horror-stricken Kristy to see what was wrong.

"Baby, did something happen?" Olivia shrieked.

Turning to her wife and Billy, she cried, "We need to go to Rainbow Kisses!"

"What?" Billy exclaimed. "How come?" 

Kristy did a sigh. "Remember Tony? Martin's vegan boyfriend?"

Olivia nodded.

"As it turns out, Martin and Tony are having a wedding in the Bahamas, but we have no one to bake the croissants for our annual Pride Pajama Poetry!"

Kristy groaned aloud. "What are we going to do? We have worked our asses on this event for months!"

Sighing, Olivia comes up to her wife, places her comforting arms on Kristy's strong shoulders, and politely tells her to calm down.

"Let go to Rainbow Kisses together," she insisted, "we can sort out the problem, make Pride Pajama Poetry the night we will never forget, and we will be back home sooner as you can say 'peaches'."

Kristy raised her thin eyebrow at Olivia. "Peaches?"

Olivia sighed, "I know, corny right?"

Shaking her head, Kristy kissed Olivia on her cheek.

"No, " she responded sweetly. "I think it sounds very reassuring."

Laughing, Olivia meets Billy's eyes then insisted Kristy that maybe they should come along as well.

Flattered by her invitation, Billy replied, "Sure, I guess I can pitch in."

Even Austin and I were prepared to help the moms out.

"Count me in," I say. 

"Me too," Austin added.

Kristy and Olivia smiled widely at our fiery passion, however, they were concerned about Austin's bedtime and my father's opinions might clash with the upcoming event.

"As much as I love seeing some LGBT spirit in young people,"  Olivia began. "I don't want you kids moving without a good night's rest."

I frowned in disdain. "But Olivia—"

"It's fine, " Kristy reassured. "You can spend the night in here, Jack."

I raised my eyebrow as if she was joking.


Kristy and Olivia nodded.

"Sure, " Olivia answered.

Peering at Austin's face, she added: "Just as long as you and Jack aren't having sex in your bedroom." 

Austin moaned. "Mom, how can I get laid when I have the upper body strength of a sixth grader?" 

Olivia tied her shoes, completely ignoring his sarcastic remark.

After kissing Austin on the cheek, both Kristy and Olivia head upstairs to change while Billy waited for them near the staircase.

Their right fingers slithered through their curly brown hair, their blue eyes sparkled, and their nose perked up at the smell of lukewarm lemonade scouring in the dining room.

"Do you want to finish the party food?" I ask. "I call dibs on the blueberry muffins."

Hesitantly inspecting my face, Billy said to me: "You never told me who Joseph was."

Shocked, Austin glanced in my way.

He couldn't believe I had brought up my abusive father's name.  As soon as it escapes from my mouth, people wanted to know more about me: what I like vs. what I don't like.

But according to most people, I am a cynical, sarcastic teenager who has the ability to compartmentalize from society.

That I have trouble letting people in or make any friends. Truth be told, it was one of the reasons why I hate coming to the school counselor every Tuesday.

Heading towards the dining table, I try to change the subject.

Covering the dark honey surface, are cookies, muffins, potato chips, and other sweetened food sat in multi-colored plastic bowls.

Picking up a purple plastic bowl of chocolate-chip cookies, I came over to Billy and Austin then offered the desserts to them.

"Do you want more cookies or muffins?"

Grateful, Austin takes one from the bowl, while Billy sighed, "Thank you for the hospitality, but I want to know who Joseph is."

Biting my lower lip, I placed the cookie bowl on the kitchen countertop then tried another tactic when Austin blurted something completely stupid.

"Oh, you mean Joseph Morris?" he asked, lying. "Joseph Morris is my old friend from...Camp Waka Flocka."

Billy and I both stared at him in confusion. "What?"

Flashing me an I-got-this-Jack look, Austin continued.

"Yeah, " he answers slowly. "when we were kids, Joseph and I used to take art classes in Camp Waka Flocka together. But every now and then, he would text me."

"Oh,"  Billy said, clearly surprised. "So, Joseph is one of your art friends?"

Austin nodded very quickly.

Looking at me again, Billy asked, "so, how did you get your eye bruised up?"

I touched my bruised right eye and sighed.

"I was lying," I admitted eventually. "I didn't fall downstairs; I was climbing out of the shower when I tripped and fell on a wet floor."

"So you got a black eye from falling on a wet floor?"

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it is a really fucked up move on my part."

Billy grinned. "Oh okay, I am glad you are safe, Jack."

I smile a little. "Thanks."

As soon as they departed into the dining room for a muffin, I give Austin my surprised look. 

"What?" he asks.

" 'Camp Waka Flocka' ?" I snorted.

Austin rolled his eyes. "Just be glad I stepped in, okay?"

Coming downstairs are Kristy and Olivia, wearing matching red plaid, woolen t-shirts, skinny jeans, and brown winter boots.

Luscious dark hair shimmered down their straightened backs as the lesbian couple walked down the steps with precaution and grace.

"Ready to go Billy?" asked Kristy.

Billy who ate their last morsel of cookies bobbed their head in Austin's mother's direction then followed them to the front door.

Hands tucked inside their jean pockets, as venturing footsteps echoed like vibrations beating against a cave's stone interior.

Whilst Olivia and Kristy gossiped about whose attending to the Pride Pajama Poetry, Billy quietly listened to the happy chatter; however, they didn't have the courage to join in.

Looking above Billy's head, Olivia blew Austin and me a kiss.

"Don't fret children," she beamed. "we will back in a jiffy."

After Kristy and Billy flashed us delighted grins, they followed Olivia out of the door, locked it, then evacuated the apartment, leaving me with Austin.

In the meantime, Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance With Somebody resumed in the background; rainbow decorations hung stiffly around the apartment walls, and we had finished almost half of the party snacks.

Hearing energetic footsteps vanish behind the closed door, Austin switched his gaze to me.

The look on his face tells me he didn't seem too annoyed about my visit, but that doesn't mean Austin has a lot of questions. 

Crossing his arms, Austin sternly asked: "You told Billy about your dad?" 

"I didn't tell them about my tragic family life," I answer. "but sooner or later, they are going to realize that Camp Waka Flocka doesn't exist."

Austin groaned. "I'm sorry about Billy. They can be...curious."

"It's fine," I say, doing a shrug. "besides, they seem pretty cool."

"Oh, really?" Austin grinned. "Word on the street is that Billy has a crush on you."

I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"Haha, " I snorted, "so where did you meet them?"

"Billy attends North Isle High—just like us." Austin began. "But apparently, Billy is the smartest kid in school."

"Really?" I ask, intrigued.

"Yeah, I hear they skipped a couple grades." Austin went on, "right now, Billy is taking college courses online.

"What grade are they in?" I ask.

"I think they're in twelfth grade," he stated. "Billy wants to attend the University of California, but their mom has other plans."

Focusing on me, Austin questioned my arrival.

"So, what happened between you and your dad this time?" he inquired.

"I don't want to talk about it, " I responded frankly.

"Okay, " said Austin, "but you do know your dad is going to barge in that door and kill me, right?"

"I know, " I replied. "That's why we need to go to Australia tonight."

Austin raised his eyebrow. "Really? Like, now?"

I nodded again. "With the money from work, we can buy plane tickets and—"

Austin gives me a surprised glance. "Who says we were leaving tonight?"

I stopped for a second. "I thought we had agreed to go to Australia." 

"We did, " Austin says hesitantly. "but are you sure this is a good idea?"

I groaned. "Yes, this a good idea! We've planned this out."

Austin tries to calm me down. "I know we planned this trip, but still, I feel kinda guilty leaving my moms in the wind."

I let out a sigh. "Austin—"

"And what about your older brother?" he added in an implying tone. "What if he finds out that you have disappeared under your dad's nose?"

"I'll call him when we get there," I promised. "now go upstairs, and pack everything you need. I will wait for you."

Austin grumbled but he didn't complain.

Obediently, he marched upstairs, slammed his bedroom door, and began packing his things while I sat on the couch, peeling the indigo-colored bag off of my back.

Like thick curtains, my dark brown dreadlocks draped over my broad shoulders. Hands folded onto my lap, as I waited for Austin to come downstairs equipped and ready to leave.

But while I sat on the living room couch, my eyes are trained on Whitney Houston's dazzling smile. The camera pans out as the beautiful singer in bright colorful clothes, danced near the microphone, swaying the crowd.

Just then, Austin ventured downstairs wearing a Green Day t-shirt, long khaki pants, and dark indigo sneakers. Covering his long arms, are white sleeves that go above his wrists.

On his back is a large brown backpack filled with necessities to survive. Tightening his hands around the leather straps, Austin gave me a sour look.

I hate this plan, " he stated. shaking his head in disbelief.

I gave him a doubtful stare.

"Oh come on, " I said. "You LOVE this plan."

"We might get pulled over by the cops," he shivered.

"No, we are not, " I reassured, putting on my backpack. 

"We are just going to go to Australia, make our movie, dump the ashes in the Tasman Sea, and go home."

Austin rolled his eyes at me. "You make it sound so fucking easy."

"Because it is."

Sighing, Austin ventured towards the gray remote, which sat on the glass table, picked it up, and shut off the television.

He later tosses it on the vacant couch across from him, then says in an exhausting tone: "fine, let's do this shit and return home in one peace."

I slapped Austin on the back.

"That's the spirit!" I exclaimed. "Onward to Australia!"

I held up my head high then marched toward the door.

Annoyed at my good mood, Austin trudged behind me then said: "I am going to be so pissed if we get arrested." 
© Keira Storm,
книга «Elle Jones».
Chapter 17: The Plan