MG road, Plaza Supermarket.
Evening 16:00

A boy and a girl were walking close to eachother from the left side of MG Road. Their hands touching each other. The boy's fingers were trying to hold the soft little pinky figure of the girl.

Phone Rings...

The girl pulls her bag to the front from behind and takes out the cellphone. The boy peeps into her side to take a look at who's calling. The girl pushes the boy and says  'Shhh.... Mom's calling.'

The boy keeps his finger on his lips and tease her.
The girl attends the call and covers her mouth with the other hand.

'Hello Amma. What happened?'   says the girl by quickly moving her eyes through the crowd. Her eyes were searching for a familiar face.

'Hello Diuu.. Where are you?' asks the mother.

Asha's face turned white.

'Hello Amma... Ha...'  replies Disha. She wanted to lie to her mother but after hearing her mother's voice, her mind went blank and she couldn't come up with an answer.

'Where are you? It's four thirty, you should be at home.'    said Disha's mother in a lound voice. Her tone showed the anger.

'Amma I'm not a kid. It's  four thirty, not seven. I'll be home by five, '     says Disha and looks at the boy.

The boy says Five thirty in a low voice.

'Are you with Pradnya?'    asked Disha's mother.

'Ha Amma. I'm in Pradnya's house. I came here to learn accounts from her.'    says Disha, a takes a deep breath of relief.

'Okay. Dad will be home by six so, don't be late.'    said Disha's mother.

'Okay Amma, '      says Disha and keeps her cellphone in her bag.

Disha looks at the boy and gives him an angry look.

'That's why I never come out with you on holidays, '  Disha by moving closer to the boy and cont'd   'What if someone sees us.'

'Oru pookaalam pool be enn arigil vannu cherun. Soloman the Shoshanna ye pole, Romeoyude Julien inne pole neeyoum njanum itihadathil vaazhkapedum. Kaalam parayum Arunnum Dishayum Poole aakanam pranyam ennu, '     says the boy (Arun) who recites the lines from a book he read yesterday.

[meaning :- You will come to me like Spring. Like Solomon and Shoshanna (characters from Bible mythology), like Romeo and Julient, our love will be depicted in history. Time will teach others that meaning of love is Arun and Disha]

Disha laughs.

'Let's go home, '    says Disha, by walking ahead of Arun.

Arun and Disha goes to the nearest autostand. There was a long queue of auto's parked one behind the other. Disha and Arun walks to the first auto and when they were getting inside it, Arun saw a man standing near a red Van. He was a black bald man, wearing  black sunglasses  and was looking at Arun's direction. Arun stood still and rolls his eye from left to right, searching for any more faces, staring at him.

Disha pull him inside the auto.

'Devashree Colony, '    says Disha to the Driver.

Engine Started.
Auto slowly moved forward.

Disha was talking to Arun. But, all he see was her moving lips. Though he was looking at her, his mind was think about the bald guy, who was standing near the van.

© Sharun ,
книга «DEW».
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