A new beginning
The white deer
Bravely and a New life
Bravely and a New life
The black deer was aware he was out number and that he needed, star to gave him the stones. So he had gone to the ice wall that's near the sea. In the ice was a human who perfectly preserved in ice. He used the darkness stone to bring him to life.

Meanwhile star father wake up and saw a stranger figure standing over him. He got up and started growing one question went through his head, how did it get in with out anyone noticed. His question was answered when he saw the black deer with his son and Ocean.

Tight up in a dark mist just above him the deer walk away. Star dad try follow but the undead stop by pointing the gun at one of his pack. Then from behind frairo the fox attack. Which gave star dad the option to attack his arm the gun fall. Then just as the deer with his captives were out of sight everyone else walk up and attack the undead, but what the deer didn't know was that frairo was following them.

He had followed them after he help star dad because, he was just small enough to go rabbit holes. He manage to follow them unnoticed he kept moving in and out of holes until they reached a creepy cave. Frairo ran back to star father to tell him.

Star dad saw frairo in the distance frairo told he knew where to go. Dad howl into the night for the hunter animals to come and fight. They came in big numbers to attack the black deer den. The black deer was aware they were coming the black mist surround him to hide them.

Then Star finally wake up to find ocean still tight up by the mist. The black deer ask for him to hand over the stones and if he didn't, he will squeeze ocean to death. Star at first refuse but then squeeze ocean her scream in pain. Then we hear a howl it was his dad he had found them.

The animals attack and thanks to the lage number of them he managed to get though. The black deer attack when he did, this the mist that kept ocean tight up released her. Star ran over to her then he looked back at dad he was pinned down. The deer was getting ready to kill and changed.

But just when dad thought it was all over star and ocean ran in front of him. Dad felt and ear a liquid tripping he opened to a awful site both star and ocean were impelled the stomach. " Dad now attacked the neck" said star.

Dad cried out but did as he was told and bit into the neck. With one scream of pain the deer he threw off ocean and star. But it was too late he was dieing dad walk over to ocean and star, and to wake them but lucky.

Star wake up he saw he was a ghost a full adult surrounded him, was a full grow dragon it was Ocean. He looked down at dad I wanted to do something, but I knew I couldn't come back the stone did not bring back the dead."It's could bring new life in to the world" said ocean. She was right so I asked the stone to bring a children in this world before we fade away. As there body's fade two wolf cub appeared.

"Dad please take care of are cubs we can't come back, but we can gave birth to new life" star told him. Dad gave out one last howl and picked up one of the cubs then one of his huted wolf picks up the other one.

Then he stopped at fairo and put the wolf cub down and said "well aren't you coming with us" he said. Fairo look up he had a home event the his friends were gone. He looked where star and ocean once were and said "thank you" and went home.

                     the end
© Silverstone cat,
книга «My invisible friend».