Place To Call Home
Japanese Vs Germany
The First Night Back
New Professors
Hogsmeade Raven
Try Alchemy
A Quick Christmas
End of exams
The Trip Home
Half Way Through The Summer
Japanese Vs Germany
As my brother was looking at the tents some that were like pyramids other had a front garden and had peacocks. I ask ted if Germany had a wizard school he thought for a minute then "i know their are five top schools one of those are the Japanese school.

I think they went to burmstrang that in Sweden.After a minute of walking we found tim who was with a bucket we join up with him. We spoke after are next year at school and are classes "did you hear about Richard he bloom up his parents house".Ted nodded but i shook my head tim told me what happened his dad was part of the ministry. I asked if he was in trouble tim shook his head "no it wasn't his fault his power came out like that".

We queue up for the water we spotted Richard and William a bit further up we got their attention. They waited for us after we got water we walked back not talking about much. Then i ask if Richard was ok he nodded "yeah just a little bit shaken but ok will mum think been here will here". We asked if his parents will show up he shook head "they like to travel and besides they wouldn't dare corner a seen".

We got back to the camp where harry was cooking a chicken and bruges. "We get some souvenirs after before the match ok" we nodded so we sat down to eat. Then we went to the store we got a Japanese flag and i got my brother a dragon hat that bearst out fire.

Harry us binoculars that were made like videos camera then anything else. Then we went to get are sites Ginny stayed at the tent because of her be pregnant. "I wonder what we going to have to represent thier homes land" we all wonder that to as we watch from are sites.

Birds of spices come out people on the backs of giant eager holdings the Japanese flag. As for Germany vampire and i think hags too walked out with the Germany flag. Harry wasn't surprised that they showed powerful creatures.

The match began after the witches and wizards of each team was call out. I couldn't much even with my binoculars either could the announcer all he could do is call out names. The score kept getting even matched the seekers were up the highest, looking for the snitch harry was too i could see his eyes looking around the place.

I watch as a bludger went for a Germany chase went straight for where i was sitting. I jumped out of my chair as she flew up with the bludger change department. I seated down after i calm down my brother put a hand on my looked at me to see if i was ok. As the match went on it was getting worse the keeper from the Japanese was taken out after Germany beaten hit two bludger at the same time.

Everyone wanted a fault the referee bold on the whistle to a penalty. The score was now 90 Japan and 70 German the seekers, were flying around then out of nowhere the Japan seeker flew to where the announcer was. The snitch was just above him the German seeker was just behind him. Everyone watch as the Japan seeker reached out a hand but just then a bludger came up to the seeker.

Who up to miss it some were out ranch of that but some were glad. Ables fall asleep next to his father harry got up and pick him up and said he take him back to the tent. He asked if James wanted to go back to James shook his head saying he could stand up a bit longer.

The match was getting rougher with everytime Japanese got up one on Germany. The score was now 120 Japan and 100 Germany. The seekers were just above where we were this time Germany seeker flew off to the opposite end of the stage. Japanese seekers already their looking for what he saw then realised he was tricked.

As the German seeker flew up to the snitch both hitting each other try to grab it. Then with in a seconds Japan seeker handed close on the snitch the match was over.

We stayed of the three days even know the match was over we weren't the only ones who stayed. Then we went back are letter for school were on the table with are things Ginny had come back after one night in the bed. She told us that she just needed to take my brother with her to get robes and his wand and pet.

The pets were new one ferrets and lizard been their my brother really wanted a lizard. They left to get the last of his things we only had a week left to go until we back to Hogwarts.
© Silverstone cat,
книга «My Third Year At Hogwart».
The First Night Back