My Family
The Team
Love on the Battlefield
The Vikings Wedding
Wedding Fight
Growing up
The Chase
Water Witches
Fight Monster
Things Changed
Battle Ahead
The Raids
Old Friends
One Entrance One Exit
The Truth
Time Heal All Wounds
It didn't take long to find the dragon island a Vikings tribe was taking it for all its plunder. Father put a hand on my shoulder as if to say don't do anything stupid. I nodded father roar to his to attack. The other kids was trying to put the dragon egg in the boats.

This is so wrong Odin are god well never stand for this. Their beautiful creatures of Odin, their was a raor like a wound animal. I looked for the wound animal I saw a boy sitting on a tide up dragon.

"How could you"sunshine yell. Attack the boy who blocked her attack "well well little girl you think you can take me on"said the boy. Every time attack he block "damn it why can't hit you" said sunshine.

I claim down as he come with attack and I block it."What" he yell as I went for a attack. Then Rolf and Bjorn jumped on top of him then Thyra tied him "yell another prisoner I might make this live longer"said Thyra. 

Meanwhile back with Harland and tori found the leader of the Vikings tribe. He was bring down of what looked like the alpha of the dragons. He roar with delight as he pull her down. Then Torio went for a snack attack which worked but only for getting up close. "Son looked out"roar Harland the dragon hit Torio with it tail to protect him.

But got her tail chopped off "no you stupid dragon why did you have to do that, now your worth none"said the man. As he got ready to chopped the dragon head off. Harland tackled him to the ground. Then punch him as Torio cut the dragon free. Then the dragon went over to the men and eat him the battle was over. 

Even so the island was was in ruins dead dragon were everywhere."Now what"said wolf "now we take what left take home"said Harland. They nodded as father picked me up and roar to victory as they walked to the boats.Then the alpha dragon burned the dead with honour them.
© Silverstone cat,
книга «Sunshine the Viking».