Monkey Food
New Alliance
Beach Fight
The New Gunman
Bug Fight
Protect And Rescue
Doubt And Back Together
Loin Fight
A New Start
The Way Home
The Battle
New Beginning
Eight Years Later
The Truth And Father
The New Adventure
The Last Fight
A New Start
When wolf woke up at first he thought everyone who were asleep. In the room was there of Silvily but then he saw Silvily was wait for him just outside the room. He walk with her to the outside of the ship "so what now" wolf asked, she told him she was planning to find out more about father and mother. She or so said she was planning to let people who want to come to the serves a safe place to do so. "That sounds like a lot of work you want some more help with that" he asked her.

She answered him with a warm smile and a yes of course I would.Four years later they had made a city and were follow least about father and mother. Trying to save shu and the beast people they had find out, the second generation of beast people wasn't going to die if they kill mother and father. That means they had saved wolf and some beasts people,but still no luck of shu because he was a part of them. They were keeping a eye on the number of people right now, it was eight hundred people so they were good for now.

Shu was now captain of the grand along with josh, a three Silvily, nicholas and jewel all try being mayor, but only last about a month or so. So the desk stay empty nicholas being the leader of the police, jewel researching father and mother to the world. As of Silvily just doing what she can to help but getting bored in the end. In instead she spent most of her days watching the moon one night wolf joined her.

"I thought I find you up here so how are you" he ask her she answers with she thought she would be happier knowing it was near over, not wanting more she asked if it was worng to think that way. He looked at the moon and said " not at all after all the want a existence life and now it's quite down you don't know what to do". He was right that is how she felt and she didn't know what to do.

Wolf turns to look at her "if you want we could find what to do together" said wolf going blushing. She laughed and said she would like that a lot. Then out of nowhere there a clutter of noise like someone had fall they went to find out. Only find everyone had spy on them. They all laughed then each other out then congrats them and told they weren't going anywhere until they thow party. Knowing there was no where out they agree and asked shu if he wanted to go with them.

He shook his head and said that you guys need some along time and you don't want a kid around ruining it for you. She smiled and hug him and then kiss wolf. Everyone cheers and made there way to make them a party.
© Silverstone cat,
книга «The Many Adventures Of Silvily».