Better to remind
She - the one who can conquer world
Care starts from cave
The two from angara land and gondwana land
Better to remind
Better to remind all the one in earth who say they conquer earth God the holy one  who made earth was to save not to destroy he dreamt to recreate happiness nor sadness speaking of AGW (anthropogenic global warming)and saying"I vow to save earth"gets always specially failed none of us in world are bothered of to make earth normal again #vow the foe .
Christiana a girl sent from God with a magical wand just twirled it and spelled " Romonus rifer reman" which meant to destroy homosapeans. Let's check for whom did she use the spell .
© Srusana ,
книга «What happened in past?».
She - the one who can conquer world
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Better to remind
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2018-08-07 00:38:07