About me
It all started when...
Having to let her go
Going to the airport
About me
hiya there audience so I'm a fire dragon and I'm very rare and I'm here to change that. my dad was very rare he had wings and others thought that those spicies were extinct but boy were they wrong they are still alive and I'm going to change from very rare to very common.im a male and my name is fire wings or you can just call me fire. but anyhoo I'm here to tell you the story about the journey of this non stop talking about religious flower aka the devil peatals.
© Tigerclawandtigertail ,
книга «Dragon wings».
It all started when...
  • За популярністю
  • Спочатку нові
  • По порядку
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About me
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2018-10-26 13:43:59