About me
It all started when...
Having to let her go
Going to the airport
Having to let her go
im going on the journey. I said
then I'm going with you! casy told me. no you can't go. but I can't. let you go ALONE people die from doing it that's why it's called the devil peatals. she yelled at me for the next two minutes. I can't let you go you could be killed and I'm not going to let that happen to you casy I just CAN'T. if anything happens to me then I will let you have my room and everything in it but before I do I am going to put sticky notes on the things my little brother is going to have and my little sister and my parents then you can have the rest. ok. I told her getting my voice to be softer. she has tears in her eyes. no please don't go I love you just don't go please let me come with you please. no I CAN'T take you.
© Tigerclawandtigertail ,
книга «Dragon wings».
Going to the airport
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Soft kiri
Having to let her go
😮 so interesting... So good 😍
2018-11-08 00:48:17