Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The Weathered Kingdoms
The Hunt
How Ray Fell
Moira's Perspective
Hi there!
When I started putting fine-fibre-tip pen to scruffy notepad paper, I was working in a primary school. My name badge would tell you that I was a teaching assistant, however my real job title was playworker. I was on a level that put me more eye-to-eye with the children that I supervised and cared for. I am sure it speaks volumes about my own mentality that I connected with many of them over knowledge of memes, video games and YouTube clips, as opposed to the usual approach. Whilst these things became common place in conversations, it delighted me that these were not the only things that consumed their minds. Most scaremongering media would have you believe that the younger generation is addicted to their devices. I found that, when given the choice, every single one of those children would rather go outside to play; kicking a ball, climbing a tree, doing cartwheels on the grass... Their phones, tablets, computers and TVs would always be there, but it would be a special chance indeed to play with their friends, face to face, and outside, even on the rainiest of days.
I took a leaf from their book. My mind created a story which I wrote in a notebook, typed up on a randomly branded tablet and edited with a highlighter (much to my employer-at-the-time's annoyance, mostly whilst I was on shift). But I never missed a chance to do any and all of the above outside; in the local parks, under a tree, on a bench, and at one point perched on a rock by a stream.
This story was not only inspired by those children, it was written in a way that makes me proud to say that I learnt to enjoy myself whilst doing so.

The one thing to remember is that, at the end of the day, it is just a story, a work of fiction and imagination and if you find yourself not liking it, then I want to thank you for at least giving it a chance and I would ask that you donate it to a charity shop so that it may yet do a little good.

To get a glimpse behind-the-scenes, keep up-to-date on any future releases or to take a look at some original artwork you can find me on;
Facebook, WordPress, YouTube, Instagram, etc...
by searching for the hashtags;

Take Note:
Nakama means closer than friend or family, a team mate or crew member with whom you would trust your very life.
Daemon is how the word demon was spelt until the 19th century, it comes from the Greek δαίμων that refers to a creature between a human and a god, it could be good, evil or neutral.
© Rocky Norton,
книга «The Weathered Kingdoms and The Mature Expansions - Excerpts».