The Inheritence.
To the Cruise
Lets Do It
Lets Live Our Lives
Its About Time
Lets Do It
The next morning!!!
"Knock knock" on davids door,Come in hi!.hi whats up bro Dinesh called me this morning and said me he wants to meet us all.
LETS DO IT said the three ,
Welcome to you all and today i will tell you your tasks,
First Rose come forward;
1.Your grandma always wanted you to live your life cuz you was always a hardworking girl,so you have to enjoy the cruise.
2.You have to find your true soulmate and the love of your life.
3.And you have to marry that person at the end of summer.

Wohooooooooooo (said David)
come on sis (said alex).
rose become quiet and stood alex

1.You have to also find your soulmate and engage her.
2.You have to go to a job that you choose.
3.Make your sisters wedding the best and remember worthy.
David now your turn;
1.its your third last year of your studies so you go to boarding school
Hell yeahhhhh!!!!said David.
2.You also have to do the same thing as Alex to make your sisters wedding memorable.
3.And you have to make some special arrangements for your sister. Thats Up To You

Easyyyyyyy Pizzyyyyyyy
said David
Its not that easy you all have to do it together wisely.

Go live Your lives.

© Dawood Javed,
книга «The Adventurous Life».
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SYED Hassnain
Lets Do It
Let's goooo
2018-04-15 10:39:30