The Inheritence.
To the Cruise
Lets Do It
Lets Live Our Lives
Its About Time
Lets Live Our Lives
Rose day was great so was the others,
Rose was a little bit tensed but later became alright
Dinesh came again,
Good Morning Rose
Good Morning Dinesh
Ok let me tell you abiut your suitors..
really a am not a princess or something
But your grandma made you and went from this world
Go live your lives
© Dawood Javed,
книга «The Adventurous Life».
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Dawood Javed
Lets Live Our Lives
Hi Guys,Everyone thank you for your love and support but i am really sorry i am a little bit busy nowadays but i promise i will make lenghty Chapters and 3to4 books Thanks to you all once again And sorry for such a short chaoter
2018-04-19 15:16:35