Just an Idea
Pointless Hope
Stay or Leave
Just Friends
Broken Record
Move On
Rock, Paper, Scissors
"I Love You"
Closing Letter
Move On
I tell myself I'm over you
I've let you go
but who am I kidding?
these tears
running down my face
right now
are enough proof
that I'm so, so far
from getting over you,
not even close.

I don't know
I don't know what it says
about me
that even after all this while,
I still find myself
going back,
and I wish I could tell you
that I'm strong enough
to hold my ground
when your thoughts hit,
but sometimes
I'm a heap on the floor
and I find myself slipping
through the cracks,
and I don't know
if I'll find my roots,
if I'll grow,
if I'll bloom again.

And tonight,
the hurt is a little sharp,
the pain a little raw,
there's a knife
twisting in my gut
and I know that tonight,
the monsters under my bed
are going to look a lot
like you.
And the voices in my head,
will be of you saying
"I love you as a friend"

To tell you the truth,
I've gone back in time,
replayed our conversations
in my head
over and over and over again
till they drove me insane,
to try and find that one missing link
that I can point a finger at
and say,
"there!, that's where it went wrong"
but I still come up empty-handed,
just the way you left me.

I won't lie,
you still haunt me.
Late at night when I'm too tired
to fight off the thoughts of you.
I remember how your smile
brightnened up my whole day.
How your voice
was music to my ears.
How every morning
you were the first thing I looked for
how every night,
I fell asleep knowing you'd be there
the next day.

Other days,
it feels like a nightmare
that I haven't quite woken up from.

I could tell you a lot of things
but saying that I'll have you back
will never be one of them
because even just letting you go
is taking the life out of me
and I don't know if I can
survive you a second time.
You know? because once almost killed me.

How do you expect love to save you
when it was what killed you?
© Epic Novella,
книга «(U)s».