I will wait
I sit and look at our old pictures. under the stars of the night before Every story never fades. still in the heart of me The days passed as if not long ago. Another memory of yesterday is far away. But still miss the beautiful days The day you and I still walk side by side Still humming the love song that we used to sing together that day again walking back to the original place The second place we've been through Her smile never faded. still in my heart The days passed as if not long ago. Another memory of yesterday I miss you (I'm still the same as always) Do you think the same? (But I don't know if you'll miss me or not) I miss you oh Will you miss me? The horizon is not too far, the sea is not too deep. Reach out, no matter how far I'm going to meet No matter how high the cliff is, I will climb up to meet you. love no matter how far I will go to your heart because I know that you are worth a lot Won't let you lose, woah even if you have to exchange All my life I have, I agree. Do whatever it takes to tell you that I love you so much. (will) do everything Even if you have to buy it with your heart (will) do whatever it takes to make me shout to the sky or what to do To... be in your heart Forgive me, I'm a good person. It's the person who loves you so much. This person. will not make her suffer and be sad where i stand it's the original place The last time we met There are hundreds of thousands of stories The place we love, have you forgotten? to be far away too lonely like being abandoned in the middle of the sea amidst the fierce wind can never blow a heart Mine has changed Are you thinking of me? Has the word love faded? How has the sky changed But I'm still the same Do you know.. no matter how lonely I have to be? I'll just wait for you Take the opportunity of being left out of no one. Let her be confident that I can only love .. you turn around please just one more time and will find that there is a heart that loves you, cannot love anyone can't change heart You can change me
2022-02-25 07:16:30
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Oh my love song
This is a song I wrote 2 years ago,it's not good but I had 1 day to prepare it for a project.I had to perform it with my friend violet,and it wasn't that bad. Oh my love what happend here,break me until I have no tears.Oh my love what happend here,you make me feel so sad and bad but in the end it's this and that.Oh my love what happend here,I cry and cry till the tears are dry.Oh my love,Oh my love.Ive waited long for you to come,I've waited for you to love me.Oh my love we had it all,but in the end we lost it all.Love can fade just like your life,love can hurt and burn until the ashes crash and turn.Oh my love our souls are connected,but why do i feel them drifting apart.Oh my love we dont have time,you will soon leave me all behind.Oh my love I always knew that in the end,our love would defend our hearts.I stare at the stars,and feel you watching me.Oh my love,I shouldn't love you,but I do.. Lillian xx
وردةٌ قبِيحة
و مَا الّذي يجعلُ مصطلحُ الوردة قبِيحة؟ -مَا الّذي تنتظرهُ من وردةٍ واجهت ريَاح عاتية ؛ وتُربة قَاحلة و بتلَاتٍ منهَا قَد ترَاخت أرضًا ، مَا الّذي ستصبحهُ برأيك؟