Chapter One: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Two: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Three: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Four: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Five: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Four: Scars and Mirrors
I realize that they're scars that have either healed or need healing, and it does hurt sometimes.

Having the ability to someone who's you can talk to can be a curse for them because it's a blessing and a curse type of thing. These are the things that comes with the ability, but also intense is something else, it's really beautiful.

Though, after that I couldn't Out in my head how can I talk to my one friend about my battle scars and these mirrors when I look at myself when she clearly never actually imagined the attraction she gets from those who are like myself. Meaning that she would have the past, the present, and the future and it's up to her to the relevance and meaning of the pieces.

книга «Scars and Mirrors».
Chapter Five: Scars and Mirrors