Chapter One: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Two: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Three: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Four: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Five: Scars and Mirrors
Chapter Two: Scars and Mirrors
I'm sick of all these ugly scars on my face and my body and the fact that our house has mirrors all over it. I hate looking looking at myself in these mirrors but I feel like I cannot help it but make these scars I see on my body.

I'm tired of looking at my body and only seeing scars. Make me cry every time I hate mirrors. People bullying me for three years straight crying in front of mirrors, scars on my body, cocktails of pills every night and had barely any friends to talk to.

I avoid mirrors as much possible because I am beyond disgusted with my body.

книга «Scars and Mirrors».
Chapter Three: Scars and Mirrors