Flowers brings love
Come again with better attitude
Cafe With Coffees
Jojo and Her Request
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

As I entered the building, holding the address tightly in my notepad, I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the grandeur of it all. Jojo had told me she was rich, but I had never imagined her birthday party would be this huge. There were people everywhere, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the air.

Jojo spotted me from across the room and came running over, her arms open wide for a hug. "Amélie, you made it!" she exclaimed, giving me a tight squeeze. "I'm so glad you're here."

She introduced me to her mother, a petite woman with a curious look on her face. "So, Amélie," she began, her tone nosy. "Where are you from?"

I replied with a grin, "I'm from a small town, where the only thing bigger than the fields are the dreams."

Jojo's mother raised an eyebrow, but I could tell she was amused by my quick wit. "And what do you do?" she asked, taking a sip of her wine.

I held up my basket of flowers. "I sell these beautiful blooms on the street side. They bring a little bit of happiness to everyone's day."

Next, I meet the strange DJ who greets me with a cheesy pickup line. "Hey gorgeous, can I have your number? I promise I'll make your heart skip a beat."

"I'm already taken, by these beautiful flowers," I say, holding up my basket of blooms.

I tried to back away, but he followed me everywhere I went, even when I went to refill my drink. It was like a game of cat and mouse, and I was determined not to be caught.

As I made my way through the party, I found myself standing beside a tall, lean young man with hair the color of dark chocolate. He was engrossed in a book, which made me curious. I couldn't help but approach him.

"Excuse me, what are you reading?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder.

He looked up at me and smiled. "It's a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Have you read any of his works?"

"I'm afraid not," I replied, "I don't get much time to read. I'm too busy selling flowers."

"Ah, yes. I saw you selling flowers earlier. You're quite the entrepreneurial spirit, aren't you?" he said with a chuckle.

"I do what I have to do to help my family," I said, smiling. "What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm a student. I'm studying fashion design, just like Jojo. We're classmates, in fact," he said.

"Oh, that's great," I said, and then asked, "So, what do you think of Jojo's mother?"

"She's a bit nosy, if you ask me," he said, lowering his voice. "But she means well, I suppose."

I couldn't help but agree. "Yes, she does seem that way. But I handle it with a smile and a bit of humor."

"You seem to have a way with words. I like that," he said. "I'm Demien, by the way."

"Amelie," I said, offering him one of my flowers. "You seem nice, and I think we could have a great conversation about books. Here, this one is for you."

He took the flower from me and smelled it. "Thank you, Amelie. It's lovely. May I have your number so we can continue our conversation about books?"

"Of course," I said, writing it down on a piece of paper for him. "I'd love to talk to you about books. They're one of my favorite things."

As I say goodbye to Jojo, I can't help but feel happy and content with how the night turned out. I met so many new people, but the highlight of my evening was definitely Demien. We had a great conversation about books and I couldn't help but feel a connection with him.

I step outside into the cool night air and make my way towards my bicycle, the basket filled with flowers swaying with each step I take. "This has been quite a night," I say to myself with a smile.

As I ride my bicycle home, I feel the gentle breeze blowing against my face, the fresh fragrance of flowers filling my senses. I'm grateful for this peaceful moment, just me and the stars. I'm already looking forward to our next conversation, Demien and I, about books.

I arrive home, still feeling the high of the night's events, and go to bed with a big smile.

© yours meliny ,
книга «Amelie in Paris».