Dawning Arc - Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
Dawning Arc - Chapter 2 - Wish Made
Dawning Arc - Chapter 3 - A Joke Gone Too Far
Dawning Arc - Chapter 2 - Wish Made
Alex pulled up outside his door. To his right was this huge grey and black house. Almost the entire structure had windows, you could almost call it a glass house seeing it from the outside, but on every window was a long black curtain keeping its insides a mystery to any onlooker. He opened the door of the car, quickly reaching to his right, he grabbed his school bag and stepped out of the vehicle. He closed the door behind him and clicked the lock button on his key. Suddenly the car flashed its indicators, telling Alex the car was locked. He pulled the door handle to confirm and it was firmly locked. Alex then walked around the car and up a small flight of stairs up to his front entrance. The door was a deep black with a skinny window running from the top of the frame to the bottom, he inserted a small key into a key whole and turned left. The door suddenly clicked open and Alex pushed it.  Swinging it open, he entered the house, right foot first. As he was safely in, the door closed automatically behind him but he ignored it. Ignoring his surroundings, he hastily made his way up some stairs to his left. With every step, there was a small bang from his shoes hitting the floor. Alex reached the top and took an immediate right to an open doorway. It was his room. Looking inside, the room was simple yet elegant, the walls were a dark grey, along with the ceiling. The flooring was an abyss black tile. Accompanying the dark colours was black and white furniture, along with a huge window overlooking the huge city he lived in. Alex looked over to his right, he saw his bed and threw the bag towards it. It landed on the mattress bouncing a couple of times, before settling down. He then walked over to a huge black desk and picked up a home phone,

"Let's see if he picks up" he said to himself with sarcasm,

He put the phone up to his right ear using his right hand while the left typed in a number on the keypad. Suddenly it starts ringing, but shortly after cut to voicemail,

"Ugh... hey dad, its me, hope all is well with work. Give us a call back will ya?",

Suddenly Alex, slammed the phone down, ending the call. Looking left, there was this huge black chair, he rolled it back and sat in it. Using his hands, he then grabbed the desk and pulled himself towards it. Reaching down, he clicked a power button on a desktop. In front of him was 3 large screens which suddenly lit up. He reached forward and grabbed a black keyboard and a mouse, pulling it close to him. Suddenly a message on the center screen popped up asking for a password. Alex types it in quickly and the screen flashes once again showing his home page. Suddenly an email pop up showed towards the bottom right of the screen, he quickly reacted to it and clicked it using his mouse,

"Hmm? Its from Lex" he said with surprise "Let's see... its a link to some website",

Reading further down the email, Lex wrote,

"Hey Alex, I don't really know whats going on with you today, BUT, here's something to cheer you up. I heard this website makes wishes come true",

Alex suddenly put on a cheeky smile "Oh Lex, you still believe this kind of stuff",

Carrying on reading she said "Anyway whether its real or not I've already wished for something. Of course I wont be telling you what it was ;) ;). Now stop being so boring and make one yourself",

He closed his eyes and laughed a bit. He hovered over the link and quickly clicked it. Suddenly the screen went black, a simple question with white writing appeared in the middle, along with a long rectangular box to input your answer,

"Whats the one wish you could die for?" He read it aloud,

Suddenly his phone started ringing. He reached into his pocket and grabbed it. Answering it,


"ALEX!" a woman's voice screamed on the other end,

It was so loud that Alex moved the phone away from his ear while squinting his eyes. Moving the phone back, he responded,

"Hey Lex",

"Yo have you made your wish yet?" She asked with excitement,

"No, I'm on the title screen now but I haven't typed anything in yet. And I probably wont",

"Whaaaa- Alex if you type in a wish I'll tell you mine" she said in a hurried tone,

Alex stopped for a second, his eyes lit up with surprise,

"Okay deal" he replied to her,

Alex then hovered the mouse over the box and clicked it once, allowing him to type. He then typed 24 characters in using space 6 times using his left hand while his right held the phone to his ear. He then clicked the enter button and the web link closed,

"Huh? It shut down?",

"Yeah it happens after you type it in. So, so, so, so, what did you wish for?" Lex asked with curiosity,

"That wasn't the deal",

"Wha- huh fine, I wished to become rich",

"Of course you did" Alex replied to her answer unsurprised,

"What about you?",

"Huh... I wish-",

Suddenly the doorbell rang interrupting his answer,

"Ill call you back",

"WAI-" Lex got cut off before she could fully speak her words,

Alex quickly made his way down the stairs and opened the door,


Suddenly in front of him appeared an old woman with a cane and a small basket. She was frail, wrinkles covered her face but she had a certain beauty about her. She wore simple black clothing and the wooden cane accompanied her well,

"Oh, Mrs July, how can I help?" Alex asked with a smile,

"Oh Alexander, sorry to barge in but do you have any eggs? I've run out and I'm in the middle of baking a cake",

"Of course, wait there, I'll be right back",

Quickly running inside he goes into the kitchen, much like the house it was grey, black and white. He opens a door to a huge metal smart fridge, reaching towards the right of the door, he took out a box of eggs. Shutting the door firmly he then ran back and handed the eggs over to the lady. She slowly and gently grasps them and places them in the basket,

"Thank you my dear boy",

"Anytime" he responded with a smile,

"Cheerios" the lady said while turning away and walking down the steps,

Alex gave a small wave before shutting the door. He then ran back upstairs to his room and shut the door behind him. Looking at a wall clock by his desk, he noticed it read 6:20,

"Still got some time, maybe ill get some sleep",

He slowly walked over to his bed, flopping down like a sack of potatoes, perfectly landing with his head on his pillows. He looked outside through small crack in the curtains and just before he fell asleep he muttered,

"To be rich huh?",

© Rúben Magalhães,
книга «THE MAKER'S WISHERS - Crimson Tears».
Dawning Arc - Chapter 3 - A Joke Gone Too Far