Dawning Arc - Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
Dawning Arc - Chapter 2 - Wish Made
Dawning Arc - Chapter 3 - A Joke Gone Too Far
Dawning Arc - Chapter 3 - A Joke Gone Too Far
As darkness began to fall upon the land, the sweetness of the orange and red sun began to disappear from the view of the world. The sound of an alarm filled the room in which Alex slept. Slowly opening his eyes, the red from the sun battled with the green in his eyes. Alex moved around a bit before reaching for his phone and turning the alarm off. He then looked to the ceiling and stared in thought for a moment, before quickly jumping up from the bed. He walked over to the door of his room and slowly opened it, revealing the small hallway upstairs. Slowly walking forwards, he then made a right turn into another door. Using his right hand, he hit a light switch by the wall covering the room in light, revealing it. It was the bathroom. It had pure white tiles covering the walls with the ceiling and flooring being a matching blue. The sink and shower were both shiny metal made and looked highly modern. He walked over to the sink and stared ahead into a mirror projecting his reflection back at him, his hair was a mess and his face looked tired. He opened a small cabinet under the sink and took out a container, it was hair wax. Opening it with force, he placed some on his right palm then rubbed both his hands together, then with force and precision, Alex grabbed his hair and styled it all back, sleek and slender. After a couple of touch ups, he turned the tap on and cleaned his hands. Gently cupping the water, he then splashed his head to cool off and clean his face. Once again he went into the cabinet and grabbed a small towel to wipe his hands and face. Alex looked at the mirror, he looked totally different from when he was at school with Lex. There he just looked like some loner kid keeping to himself, now, he looked confident and handsome, its as if he tried to hide his true nature. Alex walks out the bathroom and hits the light switch. Walking back to his room, he took his shoes, pants and shirt off and threw them near a basket by the desk. Walking over to a wardrobe by the window, he confidently opened the giant door revealing an array of different clothing. Thinking of what to wear, Alex took out some white jeans and a white shirt. He slowly gets into the jeans before walking over to a full length mirror behind the door and placing the shirt over his torso. Checking himself out a bit, with a smile he then walked over to his bed. Crouching down he pulled some white leather boots from underneath. They looked new and expensive and untouched. Alex slid them over his feet while sat on his bed and tapped the floor with them, to make sure they were comfortable. He got up and quickly made his way down the stairs of the house. Suddenly Alex came to a stop,

"Damn, my keys" He muttered realizing he forgot his car keys in his other trousers,

Quickly turning around, he ran up the stairs once again and entered his room. He ran over to the thrown trousers and searches all the pockets. Finding them in the back right pocket, he threw the keys in the air and caught them as they came down. He left the trousers on the floor and headed for the door once again. Suddenly his PC lit up. The screens were black except for a single message at the top left of the center screen. This caught Alex off guard and he took on an alert feeling,

"What the...?",

He slowly walked over to it and bent  over the desk just reaching the mouse and keyboard. Looking at the message it read,

"Interesting wish. Can you elaborate?",

A box under the message kept blinking signaling Alex to type,

"A prank, that's all this is right?" Alex asked himself,

He reached for the keyboard and typed,

"What is this, or who is this?",

"Your wish, can you elaborate?" the computer responded,

Alex looked down to the power button on the computer then looked at the keyboard in front of him,

"I'm pretty sure its self explanatory" Alex typed sitting down in his chair as he did so,

"But why would you want to?",

"I think it would be fun, a lot of things need to change as well..." Alex replied,

"Is that really the reason?",

Alex laid back a bit in shock, he kept reading that same line over and over again in his head. Suddenly he reached for the keyboard once again, it entered deep thought before typing,

"No I guess not",

"You are Alexander White, son of Richard and Lavender White are you not?" The computer asked,

Suddenly fear struck Alex, what the computer said was correct,

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW? WHO ARE YOU?" Alex typed furiously in terror,

"Alexander, your wish is my command",

Suddenly the computer shut down without warning. Alex was left to look at a blank black screen seeing the reflection of his terrified face. He got up and ran down the stairs, opening the main door and sprinting to his car. As he got to it, he clicked the open button and open the door in fear, shutting it behind him as he entered the vehicle. He panted heavily before taking deep breaths and calming himself down. Suddenly his phone starts to ring in his pocket. Scared he quickly takes his phone out and stares at it. A picture of Lex was on screen with her name and the options to answer or hang up. He stared at the screen before answering the call,

"Hello?" He asked with nerves flowing through his body,

"Yo Ass Clown, I finished work early, come and get me!" Lex shouted through the phone,

"Hey Lex... yeah I'll be right there...",

"You sound shook up, are you okay? Did something happen?" Lex asked with concern,

"I'll tell you when I get there. I'll see you in 10",


Alex hanged up the phone and placed it in his pocket. He then grabbed the car keys and placed it in the ignition, turning it, making the car come alive. The sun had completely disappeared and darkness remained. Alex made a quick U-turn and headed up an alley way and eventually the car disappeared from sight, all that was heard was the power from the engine leaving the exhaust pipe,
© Rúben Magalhães,
книга «THE MAKER'S WISHERS - Crimson Tears».