Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
He closed up his book after standing for too long just seeking  its meaning that was summed into TIME .. LIMITS ..PAINS and FATE
He was in need to get some rest thus he quit reading so he can start ovethinking about what he may lost someday about what he may get someday abt what he may strive to be that day ! He always admitted that life had shown him some great hot stuff that had unsettled him from the right path over and over till he choosed to isolate himself to get his own far away from the fakeness of the world from the smiles that Never been pure from those fatal feelings which slay the heart Everytime it beats ,He was so jaded from all that disgust  he was just so ill from those auras that makes him get feel fortunate and blessed for a while and dizzy and outface for ages , he confessed that he get hurt by all the humans surrounded by him he suffered from onliness and treason from the closer ppl even love was a harsh step for him nothing get a clue to be good after all those disappointments he felt so empty so faithless he wanted to be wicked and vicious he wanted to see the pain in the front of every human he wanted to restore blood he got some unholy feral notions but all that were kept in his Mention inside his mind they were kept  just to sully his kindness just to erase this godly boy inside ,but he fighted all those thoughts its true he isn't the same person anymore but it will always be the same soul in all the universe he existed in before but this time this endgame chance he just   felt so lost and so far from being  blessed or satisfied​ again so he choosed safety and pride over joy and love.
After all his time that was passed in regret and misery harsh life , young blood and an old soul . He finally  decided to start again even though it will be an infinite time that may never work at all , our good boy wanted to reach his karma with his open eyes that may see something that may never be seen by anyone else again he prayed to lord on that blessed midnight to be the one who leads ,to be the one who smiles even though the harsh time won't leave even though the happy life is far . This was the decision of his life that giving up may never creat a start or even help to fix a quiet . He looked at the window of his heart  with his new golden eyes he assumed that fate isn't that much fear he deducted that life is still long to be lived when he remembered the history of our stunning Stars whatever he looked up to check the sky

© Königin Unbekanteen,
книга «Escaping hope».
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Єгор Комаров
Chapter 1
Good idea for book👍
2018-06-08 17:53:21