Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 8
Melody's P.O.V.

We came to a cafe known as Nessa's which is three blocks away from library. It's small and cozy. And the most popular thing is coffee. My mouth starts watering at the slight thought of it. Daisy and I regularly came here as we both share the love of coffee. Also Edward, the owner of Nessa's is a good friend of us. He is 60 year old young man as he called himself. But for real, he's really dramatic and sometimes childish too. His wife Nessa died of cancer 10 years ago.

From what he told us, Nessa loves cakes and coffee immensely. And she'd give him away for those. But I know for sure that's completely absurd after seeing the love in his eyes. And I'm sure Nessa loved him as much as he is.

When we sat in our regular seats, a new waiter came to take the order.

"Hi, I'm Jake. I'll be the waiter for you today. What do you guys like to have?" he asked.

"One cappuccino and one black coffee" Daisy ordered our regulars. She insisted cappuccino and I, black coffee. Daisy constantly complains that black coffee tastes bitter. But it's my favourite and the slight bittersweet taste in my mouth feels so good. 

After sometime Jake brought us our beverages and placed infront of us. 

"Here you go ladies. Anything else you want?" he inquired.

"No thanks, Jake" I replied.

"Okay. If you need anything just call out for me" smiling again, he left us alone.

"He's nice. Not like others" Daisy said looking the way he went.

It's true. Almost all the waiters here hit on us. Mostly on Daisy. But she doesn't believe it. Says they want to make a move on me but I look unapproachable. I don't agree with her.

"Hmm..... Guess we can be good friends here, if he don't start flirting" I mumbled the last part under my breath not meant for her to hear.

It's exhausting to see all the guys flirt with Daisy even she turned them down so many times. It's not jealousy talking. But they give so much attention to us. The thing I hate most is attention. It's my enemy.

However Daisy heard my words and laughed loudly earning the other customers weird stares.


"Yes yes. But I think he's gay" she explained thinking " Because he didn't even check you out once. Look at you!!! How could he not see your beauty? I bet he's either gay or has a REALLY bad taste."

"Stop it, Daisy" I muttered embarrassingly. 

This is my problem. I can't take compliments. If anyone praised me I get embarrassed and make the whole situation awkward by saying something stupid. I'm accustomed by someone complimenting me. Always has a feeling they're mocking.

In the middle of our conversation, Edward came to us.

"Why did you two came?" he demanded us.

"For coffee, duh" Daisy said igniting his fury more.

"Coffee... COFFEE....." by now he's shouting "Okay, fine. Drink your coffee and go to hell. What am I to you, huh? NOTHING.... Here I am waiting for you two for nearly half month and now you both came her to have coffee. Have it and go away. Perhaps God wants me to die alone without any friends. Especially two girls whose names start with D and M. Maybe this is my cruel fate" he signed dramatically and wiped his fake tears.

See what I say!? Totally dramatic...

I chuckled at his behaviour while Daisy bursts out in fits of laughter.

"Aww Eddie.... we came to meet you too" Daisy beamed after she sobered up.

"Really" he exclaimed hugging her happily.

"Dramatic" she motioned me silently seemed to read my thoughts.

I chuckled shaking my head.

Suddenly they grabbed me to them into the group hug. Laughing at the moment, I hugged them both with equal strength.

When we broke up, Eddie's face is solemn.

"Now tell me, where are you both? Why did you not meet me ONCE in a half month?" 

Everyone knows not to kid with him when he's being serious. In a short span of time Eddie has became a father figure to me and I don't need to ask Daisy to know she too think of him like that. He's protective of us. Sometimes over protective too. But I love it. Love the feeling of someone worrying about me. That way I know that there are some people who care about me. But it also scares me to death. All I think is what if he find me. He swore to kill everyone I love. Everyone I cared about her. Everyone whose absence will kill me.

At first when I befriended Daisy, I almost forget about his word. So, when I tried to put some distance between us, Daisy was so persistent. She doesn't leave me alone and kept asking me again and again the reason of me being so distant. My determination of putting distance is already wavering. And the last straw for me is the tears in her eyes. No one has ever cried for me in years. The look she gave broke me. 

At last, I convinced myself that I can always get away from her if she's going to be hurt because of me. And that day was the day I got a real friend.

How pathetic my life is..... Not having a true friend in all my life.  

Is it a crime to want atleast one friend? Is it wrong for me to wish to have someone who would think of me?

Now that I have a friend and a father figure who cares for me, it didn't feel like my wish comes true. But it only exaggerate my fear. Back then, I was only scared for myself. What if he finds me? What if he take me away? What if he starts it all over again? Now, I'm not scared for myself. But for my friends. I'm scared they could get hurt because of me. If anything happens to them, I can't forgive myself. If I would be aware of his presence near them, I'd go with him in a blink of eye to protect them. I'd rather be glad to bear all his torture than to let him lay even one finger on them.

I came out of my thoughts by someone shaking my arms. 

"Where are you, Mel? Are you okay?" Daisy asked with concerned eyes.

What have I done to get her as a friend....

"Y--Yeah" I stuttered a little.

Whenever I recalled the past, that affect doesn't leave me in present resulting in stumbling my words.

"You seem to off a little. Are you sure?" Eddie asked me now.

"Yeah Eddie. I'm fine really. No need to worry" I smiled at them and shook my head to get a grip on my thoughts.

"So sweetness.... I heard you went to a party last weekend" Eddie wiggled his eyebrows with a small smile.

I shot a glare at Daisy who looked sheepishly at me.

"Yeah..... That's not a big thing" I replied uncertain about how his reaction would be.

"Not a big thing..... Sweetness, YOU, going to a party is like 8th wonder" he yelled making both of us wince.

"There's nothing special in it" I mumbled quietly.

We talked for an hour about everything. I closed the library to spend some time with Daisy. Apart from this weekend and the party, we had no time previously to meet. After bidding a goodbye to Eddie, both of us drove to my house directly.

I always tend to clean my house whenever my mood is off. So, I'm not worried about it. We decided to watch some movies, so asking her to pick any movies I left to kitchen to make popcorn.

Coming to the living room with two bowls, I saw Daisy sitting on the couch with a frown in her face. She didn't even on the T.V. And most of all, she's biting her nails. So that I know there's something major disturbing her. I quietly approached over there and sat next to her wondering what's bothering her as she's fine until now. Seeing she's still in deep thoughts, I shook her shoulders to bring her back. She startled at my touch, her body is fully tensed. 

"What happened Daisy?" I inquired worried for her.

"Nothing Mel" she replied with small voice.

"Tell me, I can see you're tensed about something. Maybe I can help" I requested again in soothing voice hoping she'd tell me.

"It's just...." she gulped and stared at me before sighing "It's just, I'm worried about Hunter and the guys. You hear what Tyson stated, right? They're gone to a race by now. Most of the time they came with bruises and I always scared that it could become worse."

I don't know what to say and can't just tell her not to worry. I'd do the same if I'm at her place.

"I won't say you not to be worry Daisy. But you can't do anything now. It's their business. Their passion. You can't tell them to stop all of it. All you can do is to wait and hope that they would be safe. Pray that they'll come back to you. It's all you have to do" I tried to reassure her.

"I know it Mel. But I can't stop myself from thinking the worst. Negative thoughts are consuming my mind. Hunter is all I have. I don't know what I'd do if I lose him" She trembled as tears are slowly forming in her eyes.

No no..... I don't want her to start crying all over again.

"Hey hey..... Don't sweat it. Hunter is not alone, right? His team or gang, whatever you call them, will be with him. And your Tyson is also there. He will take care of Hunter for you. So, don't be scared" I laughed at how red her face has become when I emphasized on 'your Tyson'.

"He's not mine" she muttered shyly looking down.

"Yet" I added, giggling at how flushed she was.

"Shut up, Mel" she warned glaring at me. I pressed my lips tightly to stop myself from laughing at her cherry face.

Thank God I can divert the topic for now. 

Some times I'm so jealous of her. She had a brother who would kill for her and his biker gang. And also Tyson's parents. They all love her dearly. She always talks about them. How they love her, how they support her, how they spoil her by giving everything she wants, how they tried everything in their hands to not let her feel the absence of her parents.

I know she deserves everything they give her and it's wrong for me to jealous of her. But there are certain times I wish that I too have someone who will take care of me, worried for me, and who love me. That's all I wish for. Not money, not fame, not anything. Just someone who will give their immense love to me. Maybe their love can heal me. 

Is it something huge to ask for...

Knowing my thoughts are wandering again, I took a deep breath resigning all of them.

"Now, it's movie timeee" I exclaimed.

"Alright alright" Daisy chuckled.

I put some comedy movie to lighten the mood. We both sat in the couch, bowl of popcorn in our laps, covered by the blankets and all lights are off.

The night lapsed with our laughter and during in the middle of the fourth movie we both drifted to the endless sleep.
© Meghana Singaraju,
книга «Cold Burning Hearts».