Just the beggining Day:1
Day:2 the smell of copper
Day:2 the smell of copper
I woke up to the smell of copper,it was still dark out  .My father told me to stay in the area of the camp,but the scent grew stronger so I  grabbed my lantern and wandered thurther into the woods.I heard screams upon screams,as someone cried in agony.I ran,I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.I saw blood,lots of it.I could no longer hear screams,just the howling of what sounded like a wolf.I ran,wouldn't you?I was lost,I didn't know where too turn.Standing before me,was a huge wolf.I shacked in fear,as it grinned with its sharp teeth.My father ran out of his tent,waving his arms telling me too run.I knew I couldn't do that,I knew I couldn't out run a wolf.I backed away slowly,as it looked me straight in the eyes.It ran away,howling in pride.Wolves howl,when they have killed and ate their prey.This could only mean one thing,that blood was shed in this woods and was I next.My father was in tears,so i hugged him and wisperd "everything is going to be okay".Sometimes it takes one look to know the truth,so i didn't look him in the eyes..
© shadowlinxxx morgan,
книга «The Wolves Of Whitmore».
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Day:2 the smell of copper
Thrilling. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
2020-04-06 14:41:08
shadowlinxxx morgan
Day:2 the smell of copper
thank you🌌:)
2020-06-12 10:44:12