New Family
First Love
Times To Finsh This
True Power
"Parents night great that means I have to tell, dad and I haven't told him about you"Kaplan told me. I was walking along with Ethon " Yeah haven't told my either"said Ethon. Then when we got home two men were seating, the girls had left a note telling us they have gone shopping. "Hey dad what are you doing here and I want to introduce you to your new son" said Kaplan.

He was talking to the one who on the right with ginger hair. "Yeah and his or so my boyfriend too"said Ethon kiss me to the cheek. Both acted at once my grabbed me and started asking how long we been together. While Ethon dad looked hate he looked like he wanted to kill.

But just then all three girls entered "little brother what going and who old man"asked Elna Ethon half human sister. "Nice timing sister father this is your new daughter"said Ethon. He let go of Ethon and walk over to her he looked really nervous. I asked why he looked so nervous to Ethon, "Well this is the first time his had a daughter l am youngest of five brothers after all" Ethon told me.

"So dad are you ok with us dating" I asked he was still had a hold on me. "I don't mind after all if it makes you happy then I don't mind" he told me. I smiled then Elna asked her dad why he didn't like us being together because she thought it was cute.

We both blushed then he dad asked how far we got. "oh far enough that they spent the night together and been dating for a mouth.

"A mouth but how did you get that far then your fathers should of been told and  what about your mother. It took me a year for me to spent a night with your mother"said Ethon dad sounded a bit jealous. "Hey what I say am just that quick" said Ethon,"Wait how did you get in if the girls didn't let you in" I ask.

"Oh Viva gave me a key" said father Show us the key my brother turn to looked at her. "What you weren't going to do it so I did" "and so she should if this is the first thing you do but am happy I have a new son" said are father. In the end we all sent the night at are flat.

Ethon,Elna and their dad went home when his father was asleep he had him on his back. " Thanks for the food and put up with my dad sorry he can be strict but shy " he said to me.

I smiled " No it was fun see my and father comparing us and in after all they did think we were right for each other" I told him.He smiled and kissed me on the forehead"see you in the morning boyfriend"said Ethon.
© Silverstone cat,