New Family
First Love
Times To Finsh This
True Power
First Love
It's had been two years since I had living with my demon family. My big brother who two years old then me and was fascinated with love and fear.

My sister the grim reaper who clean the house and did the cooking. She was really good but she looked really bored with everything I never seen her crake a smile. Then last was my aunt the werewolf she pay the bills with a modelling I don't know how she got the job.

She is very lazy I question how she kept her job with, the amount of days she has off i think she did something to boss. I haven't told my brother my age because he wouldn't stop asking, me if I have reach the age to be in love.

Unit today that all came crush down with a new student, in my class who wouldn't stop looking at me. I told my brother about it at lunch and he went up to him.

But instead of telling the guy off he asked what he was doing here. Has it turned out he was a demon too and my brother rival for becoming demon king. Great I thought that means more irritations about my life as a human. I was starting to wonder if I made the right decision.

After school I went to get groceries because we were ran out of a few things, and Viva couldn't be bothered to get them. I turned a corner and noticed in front of me near traffic lights was that demon boy.

I looked hoping he hadn't noticed me,and walk front .But just for a moment I looked up at him. He looked nervous and scared then he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. I closed my eyes, but just then I head scream and and crush like broken glass.

I looked up feeling blood on my neck but wasn't my. It was his I made silent scream then got of his hold pulled out the big chuck of glass. I didn't think taking him to the hospital it wasn't good idea.

So I took him home instead i knew my brothero wasn't going to be happy. But what choice did I have i thought I got the door to the house but it opened it was my brother wonder what was take me.

At first I thought he wasn't going to do anything, but instead if we were followed then he told his rivals to have a shower, and told me to get some clothes for him wear while his were I the wash.After the shower I gave my clothes and thanks him saving me, and I have already told the other.

He thanks me and told his name is Ethon I blushed and told him my name. Then out of nowhere my brother came though the door and asked him if he had thing for me. He said yes I brushed more reder my brother noticed and told him he has permission to take me out on a date if he was allowed to watch from a far. I want to punch him but just then he agree yo it. I felt like my hold world came fall down.

I felt like a daughter with a over protect father. But just wanted to see what date was like and my first date was it this was the wost. Even know I wanting to do it but three was a crowd but knew I did have a choice in the matter.
© Silverstone cat,