Madness continues (part-3)
(after killing the police the boy is taken to the mental hospital under surveillance. The warden comes and sees the boy..He doesn't know about the boy. He says..) Oh, what can this little boy do.. The boy replies not much but I can cut you into two!! He looks at him and says well boy you don't know me.. Boy says I meet with people after hanging them from a tree! (He starts laughing we will see that..) Boy says don't worry it won't take long.. Remember that I am a bong! You may be king, but I am the kong I will eat you before singing the song.. (Boy stops for a bit..And starts again) How many times you will beat me to death.. I can spit even without breathe! ( Warden says then with intense look..) Boy, you are nothing except a new You will have to pay your due.. Boy says, I maybe new here but I am not new to this game Even when I am gone, you are gonna remember the name! Stop,boy noone will listen to your shit.. Don't worry,they will read when I will make their throat slit! Boy, that's why nobody loves you.. (Boy shouts..) So what, I will grasp them without even chew! (Warden is sweating..) Boy, let's see how you deal with the shock (He gives the boy electric shock in higher voltage...) Boy still shouts leave me or I will smash you with a damn rock! (Warden steps aside and breathe heavily..) You are gonna die boy, you are sick.. (Boy laughs hysterically..) Well who is dead go and ask your chick! Warden tries to say something.. Boy screams shut up!I can't bear you anymore.. Go, run for your life through the door! (Meanwhile the boy loosens his hands..) Warden says fine boy, time up go to sleep.. Boy screams I am gonna bury you six feet deep! (Boy jumps up, put the warden in his chair with tied hands.. then gives him highest voltage through the machine until he is burnt.. Hearing his screaming others come but it's too late!)
2020-07-18 16:18:43
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Valour And Faith
So mysterious 😨😨
2020-08-08 16:11:33
Схожі вірші
Полум'я життя
Взлетить жарптицею в небо, Серед зірок замерцає... Якщо душа палає, Плумья у серці не згасає. Якщо здається що гасне, Треба жити ще краще. Полум'ям не можна у порох перетворити, Полум'ям цим можно лише душу зігріти. Можна ще краще палати, В очах вогонь віддавати. Полум'я твоє нізащо не погасне якщо є мрія, Любов та віра.
ثورة تطور -
يا رفاق البرنامج بالأصل باللغه الروسيه لأن من الواضح ان مطوره روسي انا الحين بتوجه للحساب الرئيسي بالبرنامج و اطلب منهم يسوون سفراء و بعض التعديلات و اذا ردوا علي اعطيكم اسم الحساب تروحون تطلبون منهم بعد، ممكن يسمعون لنا لأننا كثار البرنامج لا يدعم التعليقات بين الفقرات التصويت يكون عالروايه كلها اظن ؟ و اتوقع باقي التفاصيل بسيطه بالنسبه للواتباد عطوني كم ساعه اخلص واجبات المنزل اللي علي و برجع منها كثير ايمن كلب ذا مارح يخليني اترك البرنامج و ينتصر هو، زائد ان كثار قالولي كلام خلاني احس بالذنب و منكم اللي قفل حسابه و هالشي حزني جداً اهم شي اني فضحت السفراء و ايمن عشان الكل يعرف حقيقتهم 😂💕