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What are you proud of??
Tell me what are you proud of?? I was thinking about that after watching the flag hoisting on the roof top.. The great country of us that can't even keep it's constitution safe, how will it held all of us?? The flag is up on the sky still we are bound to the chains, waiting for out time to pass!! I can feel the chains , it just getting tighter every single day... We chose to be independent but now it seems to be like we werere transferred from one cell to another, wanted to be a predator now turned into prey!! Children are dying of hunger and Gods are being bathed with milk in the temples!! The great country that once supplied foods to the world, her farmers are begging for food now, these are just few examples... GDP going down, potician's bank balance getting higher, there is none to stop... Is that you are proud of?? Riches getting richer poor growing more poor gradually.. To celebrate this there is a rally marching on today in New delhi?? Economy getting crashed, the number of job less people increasing everyday.. I suppose that's why you are feeling so proud and this message you are trying to convey!! Highrise building are increasing in the cities, what about the slums?? You are getting 24×7 supply of water, there they are standing in lines to fill up their water drums!! Incredible india, people flaunting their foreign dog breeds on social media while street dogs are being run over on the streets.. Lower class people cant even afford to admit his son in schools and millionares' sons giving their friends five star treats!! The great country where NGOs get lesser money as budget than the owner make in one day of a liquor shop!! Is that what are you proud of?? People only see the bright sight behaving like the darker sides even don't exist here!! The outer side how much we try to cover with nationalism, greatness, accept it internally we are still bare.. I am just showing up a mirror now it's upto you to accept it or not.. Work on yourself, instead of spreading vibes of psedudo nationalism, be that reason, that example that makes you to be proud of.. Get up, rise make the country great for real, from internally instead of showing off.. Otherwise go and rejoice the pseudo belief, everything is going great.. Maybe that's what you are proud of!!
#realwriting it's not just a tag, it means writing in it's purest form not a mere copy paste from social media or mag!! It means to create something new, it's like a pregnant mother bearing unbearable pain before delivery.. But when she looks at the creation, she knows it's worth the pain she felt.. It's always quality,not the quantity..It's natural and surely involuntary.. Enough of reading shits..I am gonna separate the cream before the ice melt.. Gonna haunt in your dream, chase you till you scream until you produce something atleast worth to read.. Even I will be last of a dying breed, you can call it assassin's creed, If I was you before posting, I will first learn how to read!! Writing is a small part, it's the thought that make the difference.. Instead of differentiating people by the caste, status, integrate your thoughts and don't write using spinal cord, use your fucking brains!! You think you are the dark-horse, I am gonna your worst night-'mare'.. It's a therapy session, have a sit on the chair, rhythmically I am terrible, better keep your writings prepare.. My thoughts are enough, I don't need to write in Latin or Greek, you can call me a freak, writing is the key, that's the only trick, I am on a winning streak.. You little prick, check the profile, my dick is too hard for the trending list..You need your hands to make a damn fist, the least I can do clear all the shits, I am gonna unlock the beast.. Everywhere is the mist, silently sliting all the imposter's wrist!! All I can see you are consuming synthetic junks it's time for some organic.. People become 'jack' of all trades master of none, it's the gameover of your titanic!! I am so high, I am gonna smack everyone before I snort and 'crack'..I am an athlete running seeminglessly on evrey track.. I have ideas I am watching them piling up on the stack.. It's mutualism, first make yourself competent enough to tally the stats.. Should I die as a hero or live as long to see my own caracuss getting decomposed by the gnats??
3:00 am
Been busy to put up atleast a fight, a head full of dizzy thoughts is lethal than you think it might! Time ditched me before so I am doing overtime to fullfil the void.. It sucks when people think you have changed and just trying to avoid.. I can hear the echoes in my head searching for location at late night like the bats! It's like they are spreading covid that makes me 'social distancing' with everyone to tally all the previous stats.. Maybe it's corona or corona radiata to prevent entry inside my space.. Coroner gave the verdict after examining mine caracus but could not say it to the family's face.. The outer kraken is still alive but the inner side it's been cracking till date.. The sea is too deep like Mariana trench luring me to inhale marijuana and format everything doing a hard reset! I am maybe a 6 trying to flip it to 9.. While standing on my own feet waving the 'fuck you' sign! Maybe I am a 'missionary' cause I like to do things from front side.. What you will do while standing at the end of the road, won't you take time to decide? My friend circle is smaller than the hole that I can fuck.. Comparison with ur-anus ( urenus!) the rings around saturn that overshadowed my luck! I will better be a Titan like atlas carrying my own earth all alone.. Remember titanic, there was no ' rose' for jack, you can call me a jackoff still I am being real, not a damn clone!!