The strong wind broke the dead silence. In this ocean of people, I feel like a small island. Once I was looking for the truth in science. But feelings are stronger than mind. Love is the main thing that is in the world. The evening came, I felt getting cold. The door opened and you entered the room. I thought : " our relationship is so old ". I stopped reading, and looked at the clock. You put yours hand on my shoulder and said " let's go for a walk ". On the street, we heard the song that the small town sing. And I say "I want to ask you something" What is love for you, my dear? Should we always be together, near? I agree with you that we, each other must to hear. It can be difficult situations, but we should't feel the fear. We must live, our personal lives, And never, to each other, we should not say lies. Our love is special only for us, And most importantly in relationships is the trust. Perhaps in this case, you are right. I want to be with you all the day and all the night. This is wonderful feeling, l looking with you to the sky with the stars. It's as amazing as like arts. I feel your warm hugs, and you say : I miss you. At this moment, your lips are so close, I kiss you. We still have our feelings. Now Is that, what to everyone are needing.
2018-09-23 19:07:35
Схожі вірші
Пиріг із медом (UA)
Крокуй до раю, крокуй до мене. Гаряча кава, пиріг із медом. Або якщо забажаєш — ромашковий чай. Приходь до мене. Будь ласка. Приїжджай. Крокуй до двері, а я у чашку відріжу лимона ломтик. На столі — пиріг із медом, а мені найсолодший твій дотик.
Сумую без тебе
Сумую без тебе, кохана Так важко на серці мені. Приходь ти до мене жадана, Щоночі. Хоча б уві сні. Загляну в кохані я очі, Не йди, прошепчу. Я люблю. Та довгі безсоннії ночі, Вбивають вже душу мою. Прошу я, відкрий моє серце, Ти подихом ніжним своїм. Відчиню заховані дверці, Закриті на сотні замків.