One of them(Freak)
Left ... Right ... Everywhere wolves,
Everywhere there are creatures, everywhere.
And where do you go,
Instantly you will glimmer like those axes ..
Just want to sting ...
He - for the fact that not by fashion;
And That - for what you see is not so;
And he - for your black eyes.
And do not look at yourself, repent!
But you - see them through.
Going down the street and see
How everywhere there is a war of hatred and evil.
But you go and judge everyone
And you do not see yourself being one of them.
And you go, you do not understand!
And you condemn, do not mumble!
Although you want to be with them!
Though you want good!
You do not understand ... You do not understand ...
And you go, like a freak and
The world you see through the glasses ...
So, you do not have to be silent, or an evil hour
Go what your "creatures" are going to do to you.
2020-07-23 14:26:59