The man in the curtain
How peculiar,
Every time I look down
I see him
His piercing eyes staring at me
As if to do something evil
I look up
To vex and exhort
But when I do
He is no longer there
How peculiar .
Her life...
Day and night
A new man like clockwork
She cannot roam freely like others
For she is degraded, humiliated and crucified
Everything that she does
Is to feed her hungry child
Nobody sees her as innocent
For their judgement come from her shell
Don't you think she regrets it?
Is it that difficult to show some empathy?
Don't you see she has no choice?
She aided for help
But nobody came to her rescue
She is a princess
That was never rescued from the Dragon
But all you can do is blame her
When in reality you should blame yourself
Red and Blue
Red and Blue
The sun setting
The ocean in it's graceful self
What a site!
Red and Blue
Dripping down from her body
Dripping down from her eyes
What a site?
The pain to leave
The pain to stay
How long will it last?
All that she sees is...
Red and Blue
Which do you choose?
Which do you choose?
A hierarchy,
Where what you say and do
Will mark your reputation
For when you are gone
Your name will echo whether
It is good or bad
A group of companions,
Where your loyalty will prove
Whether you are true or not
For when they are gone
All that'll be left is
You and your memories
Which do you choose?
We the chosen
Ones are bestowed
Upon with the greatest gift
The gift of LIFE
Yet we take this endowment for granted
We use It's physical appearance
To satisfy our ridiculous fundamental
We the chosen
Ones are bestowed
Upon with the greatest gift
The gift of DEATH
Yet we see this as judgement for our actions
We curse the creator for apprehending
What is rightfully his
LIFE a beautiful lie
DEATH a painful truth
Two judgement days
Days of joy
Yet we mourn when we should be praising him
HE showed us the way
It's our choice whether to follow or not
Choose wisely
For when it is time
We the chosen ones
Will be placed upon the clouds or the flames
Do not be afraid,
For it will not hurt you
It seethe in rage
It's claws freed
It's hungry belly yearns for a meal
Do not be afraid,
For it will not hurt you
But to all of you perverse mortals
Mind your thoughts
Mind your words
Mind your actions
For It's on a hunt
A hunt for your filthy souls
A demon like no other
The pinnacle of death
But, do not be afraid,
For it will not hurt you
She is "corrupted"
"What an unholy woman!"
She is labelled as a child of the devil
Why is she defined as such?
Is it the way she dresses?
Is it her hair?
Is it her foot work?
The world would hide at her presence
Not out of fear
But out of disgust
She was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth
She did not had the luxury to enjoy her youth
Her only companions were anxiety and depression
After living the golden life
Who are you to point out her faults?
Who are you to tell her about life?
When all you've seen is it's false beauty;
Do not judge her as corrupted
When you do not understand her
I am not a toy for your lustful desires
I am a human being who yearns for equal rights
A bit of cleavage and I'm a slut?
A bit of innocence and I'm the target?
I live like everybody else
Yet I am abused
Why does these social standards imprison me?
Why am I forced to bow down to the hierarchy?
I didn't ask to be imperfect
But I'm proud of my imperfections
Is it wrong?
Why can't I?
I am human
I am just like you
But Please...
Why can't I be me?
Blood dripping down from her arms,
Blood dripping down from her legs,
Blood dripping down from her chest
Yet she feels no pain; no rage.
Scars on her face,
Cuts on her neck,
The blade in her palm
Yet she fight with all her might.
The gun in her hand:
One bullet, one shot
To end her misery
Yet she stops; before she makes a mistake.
She hides her insecurities;
Through her happiness,
She hides her pain;
Through her anger
Yet no one knows the truth; for no one cares.
No use of saving;
For she is broken,
Nobody can piece her together;
For she is scattered all over
Yet I am alive; bidding time for my perfect revenge.
What is life?
Some might say It's beautiful
Some might call it worthless
What is it for me?
I'm not sure
At times It's magical
Then it becomes horrendous
Is my life worth it?
I don't know
To some it is
To me it depends
Should I end it?
I might
I might not
To be honest... It all depends
Why do you weep?
Why do you weep in sorrow,
When some one dies?
Is it guilt?
Is it to boast?
Is it to cause drama?
Wouldn't you rather smile?
As they had moved on to a better place
A place on the skies with structures
Of gold, it's roofs crested
With diamonds
Gardens of rose plots
Fountains that germinates holy water
A place that is ruled by He, Himself
And yet why do you weep
When someone dies?