Missing End !
A distant call of angels Melts away in sky Muttering spells Fades away In the blur of personify As I see every leaf Falls and collide This misty winds Breeze away the light Bringing back A colorful dark night..... As the night begins The sea takes quietly Silent darkness of the sky Moonlight, Twilight, starlight... Gloaming at the close of day An owl calling Cool dews falling In a wood of oak and may The grey Sea and Long black land And the startled little waves that leap In fiery ringlets from their sleep Painted behind The scars of confusion Leads me to a Unspoken realization The time came And gave the meaning To join in the quest So come on friend! Lets find the missing end.... ( So guys, will you join me in this quest where light and shadows play tricks and spells ? )
2019-05-08 20:18:44
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2019-05-09 10:40:35
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Question 1?/Вопрос 1?
The girl that questions everything,is a girl that needs many answers.She wanders the earth trying to find the person that can answer her many queries.Everthing she writes has a hidden question that makes her heart ache and her head hurt.She spends days writing sad story's that she forgets her sad life.Shes in a painful story that never ends,she's in a story that writes itself.The pages in the book were filled ever so easy,because her heart wrote it for her.She spent her life being afraid,that's what made it so boring.Finding her passion was easy,but fulfilling it was the hardest part of all.Her writing may be boring and sad,but it's what keeps her sane. "She had all the questions in the word,and he had all the answers." Lillian xx
Не скажу "люблю"
Знаєш, складно Тебе любити й не сказати. Тебе кохати і збрехати, Що зовсім іншого люблю, І що до тебе не прийду. Знаєш, той "інший" мене теплом своїм зігріє. Зачарує і поцілує, А ти сиди там далі сам, І йди назустріч виючим вітрам. Тобі вже більше не скажу своє я болісне "люблю"... А просто відпущу і почуття у собі похороню.