My city
There are lights in the city that you look at in silence and concentrated, and feelings and thoughts acquire a high spirit ... "
Why do we love our hometown?
Of course, it is for the fact that we are born here ..., for the fact that this is our homeland, for the fact that we are born here ... world, of which we can say with confidence. Even if it is not so good.
Why do we love our hometown?
For the fact that only here we can, without leaving anyone. There are times when you do not want anything more than just go, go and go through the streets, by familiar and unfamiliar, noisy, colorful, interesting, bright ... and most importantly - moving, always somewhere in a hurry, never not bored, alive.
Why do we love our hometown?
For people who live in it. After all, these are the most dear, dear and dear to us people. Even if we swear with them, slam the door, we promise peace, we promise peace.
Why do we love our hometown?
For the park, reminiscent of the rapidly disappearing childhood, for the endless embankment - a symbol of all school graduation and last calls, for the old cinema, which turned into a new cinema for the summer, from which always begin both small novels and the stories of this great love. In each city there are such places, here, when we leave, we throw coins for happiness, that we must return.