Harriet Tubman
Stanislao Cannizzaro
Susan Sontag
Juan Bosch
Albert Camus
Sigmund Freud (Long and "sensitive")
Susan B. Anthony
Paul Cézanne
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 
Osama bin Laden
José Martí #cubanindependence
Freemasonry or is an institution of an initiatory, philanthropic, symbolic, philosophical, discreet, harmonious, selective, hierarchical, international, humanistic nature and with a federal structure, founded on a feeling of

It claims to have as its objective the search for truth, the philosophical study of human behavior, the sciences and the arts and the promotion of the social and moral development of the human being, guiding him towards his personal evolution, in addition to social progress, and exemplifies his teachings with symbols and traditional allegories taken from masonry and stonework, more specifically from the "Royal Art of Construction", that is, from the
builders of medieval cathedrals.

Appearing in Europe between the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, modern or "speculative" Freemasonry has often been described as "a peculiar system of morality, under the veil of allegories
and taught by symbols."

It presents itself as a training tool, with a particular method that, based on the symbolism of construction, allows its members to develop their capacity for listening, reflection and dialogue, to transmit these values ​​to
their environment.

The institutional history of Freemasonry presents numerous dissidents, whose main causes, with important nuances and derivations, are related to the admission of women to lodges (In Freemasonry, the lodge is the basic organization, composed at least of a number minimum number of teachers. The term also refers to the physical space in which the members, called brothers, meet.) of men, the question of religious or metaphysical beliefs, the nature of the topics discussed or the way of working of the lodges , as well as with the bases on which the
Masonic regularity is based.

The existence of different points of view on these and other subjects has given rise to the development of different Masonic branches or currents, which are often not
recognized among them.

Freemasonry believes and does not discriminate against people who believe in one or another religion / belief, according to the freemasons, it is about between all of us to reach the absolute truth, among all, not because a Muslim says blablabla, which is his truth, he has to be the
truth of all

The objective is to reach an "agreement" that they would consider the true truth

Operational Freemasonry

One of the most important legends of Freemasonry attributes to Hiram Abif, mythical architect of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, the
mythical origin of the Masonic order

Some texts go back the origin of Freemasonry to times of even greater antiquity, and come to consider as founders different biblical figures, such as Tubalcaín, Moses, Noah or
Adam himself.

Of the antiquity of the society would speak the one that the quotes of the Old Testament and the New Testament on: 'The architects', could refer to some people related to this
initiatory group.

More realistic, but still in the realm of the mythical or pseudohistorical, various authors have attributed this origin to the builders of the pyramids in ancient Egypt, the Roman Collegia Fabrorum, the Order of the Temple, the Rosicrucian or the humanists of
the Renaissance.

There is talk of a text that Prince Edwin of Northumberland, King Athelstan's nephew, would have given to these corporations in England in
926, called the York Constitutions.

This manuscript would have been lost in the 15th century and would have been rewritten from memory by those who knew it. For this reason, its most plausible origin is found in the Bologna Charter or Statutes, drawn up in 1248, they are the oldest
original Masonic document known.

It deals with legal, administrative and customs aspects of the union. Other documents follow in antiquity, such as the Regius Poem or Halliwell Manuscript (1390), the Cooke Manuscript (1410), the Strasbourg Manuscript (1459), the Statutes of Regensburg (1459), those of Schaw (1598), the Manuscript Iñigo Jones (1607), those of Absolion (1668) and
the Sloane (1700).

All these manuscripts refer to"operative" or guild Freemasonry, of which the rules of the "office" are specified above all, and historians often refer to them in a generic sense as "Gothic constitutions."

The great architect of the universe, the Masonic base

The Great Architect of the Universe,usually expressed with the acronym GADU, is a traditional symbol in Freemasonry whose content, interpretation and relevance vary according to the Masonic current in question.

For the Anglo-Saxon current, the GADU represents the Supreme Being, a Masonic principle whose belief and invocation in the practice of the rite are essential.

For the continental current, establishing the condition of belief in a Supreme Being implies limiting the freedom of conscience of its members, so neither belief in the GADU nor sor invocation are mandatory.

Masons, as individuals, are in any case free to give you the content that best suits their beliefs. Like all symbols, it provides a framework, but its concrete interpretation
corresponds to each one.

Many Freemasons consider that the GADU symbol is equal to the creator God who determines the plans of existence at his will. For many others, it symbolizes the idea of ​​a Creative Principle, the Supreme Soul that is at the origin of the Universe, whose nature is indefinable.

Lastly, there are Freemasons who, regardless of any transcendent approach, identify GADU with the sublimation of the Masonic ideal or who interpret it from a pantheistic or
naturalistic perspective.

Freemasonry would not be compatible with a position of radical nihilism that denies any transcendent or immanent meaning to the world, that interprets the Universe as pure chaos with no possible order, or that denies that, despite the apparent
disorder, there is a Cosmos.

Discretion and secrecy

Freemasonry is not a secret society, but a discreet one with some secrets that are revealed to its members as
they progress.

When it comes to the activities of the lodges, they are discreet.

With regard to secrecy, there are two types of priority secrets, one of them associated with recognition, passwords, touches when greeting and answers to specific questions to
enter the order.

These elements are part of esoteric knowledge, which is only transmitted within the institution and to those who have achieved the knowledge and recognition of their peers to get

The other type of secret is ritual and personal: it is the knowledge that each member of the lodge acquires about himself as he learns.

It is a personal experience that, by definition, cannot be passed on to anyone else.

Exclusion / inclusion of women

In the 18th century, when speculative or modern Freemasonry emerged, women were neither economically, socially, nor politically emancipated.

In Anderson's Constitutions of 1723, it
was not taken into account.

But the women did not want to remain indifferent to the achievements of the Masonic

In 1730, only five years after the appearance of speculative freemasonry in France, efforts began to be made for them to be accepted
into the institution.

On June 10, 1774, the Grand Orient of France had taken under its protection, in a General Assembly, adoption Freemasonry. They were lodges formed by women under the
tutelage of male Masons.

On March 11, 1775, the Marquis de Saisseval, helped by other brothers, formed the El Candor Lodge. His first great mistress was the Duchesse de Bourbon, followed by the Princess de Lamballe (1780), the Empress Josephine (1805), Madame de Vaudemont (1807) and Madame de Villete (1819), a personal friend of

Finally, I would like to include the official list of countries where there are public Masons. (Look for your countries ;)

Masons of Argentina

Freemasons of Australia

Freemasons of Austria

Masons of Belgium

Masons of Bolivia

Freemasons of Brazil
Freemasons of Canada

Freemasons of Chile

Masons of the Czech Republic

Freemasons of Colombia

Masons of Costa Rica

Freemasons of Cuba
Freemasons of Denmark

Masons of the Dominican Republic
Freemasons of Ecuador

Masons of Egypt
Masons of Finland

Masons of France
Gabon Mason

Freemasons of Germany

Ghana Masons

Masons of Guatemala
Masons of Honduras

Freemasons of Hungary
Masons of India

Freemasons of Iran

Freemasons of Ireland

Freemasons of Israel

Freemasons of Italy
Masons of Mexico
Masons of Nicaragua

Norwegian Masons
Masons of Paraguay

Masons of Peru

Philippine Masons

Masons of the People's Republic of
the Congo

Freemasons of Poland

Masons of Portugal
Romanian Masons

Masons of Russia
Serbian Masons

Masons of Spain

Freemasons of Sweden

Swiss Masons
Freemasons of Turkey
Masons of the United Kingdom

United States Masons

Masons of Uruguay
Freemasons of Venezuela

Investigating This institution is surprised, it is not like what you always hear "They are from the devil!" "They worship Satan" "They are Illuminati! And all those things, in fact one of their" thoughts "catches my attention; they seek the truth among all, it is not imposed by a Pope or a priest, they try to find it all together, living with different beliefs and ideologies, so I think they deserve to know them. See you at the next PQNC!
© -Rayures ,