Hi, I'm D_S ...And I can't write about myself so let's read my books.
We are all just walkers in the very room. We are just passing by without any word. We are so into our outer- that we forget about our inner. Tell me, is it worth it being someone you don't even want to be? Tell me Walker your long story, that is a pretty and big lie. Story of your journeys, that never happened and might never happen in your life. Tell me all your jokes that are making others laugh, but are leaving you inside so dark. Tell me how it feels when you realize the truth. When you learn, that all your pretty lies are told to others just to be fooled. Not fooling those around you, but yourself, and only yourself. Tell me how it feels to cry after someone you have just met and forget about someone you have known till the end. What is the point of suffering for others, when your soul is burnt and left in the lonely darkness? Why?Why?Why? Tell me everything you want. It's fine, nobody will ever know, cuz we are all just walkers, we are only passing by. Passing through the rooms we make and corridors of fear we are trying to escape. We never stay in any place, we are walking through our lives but in the end, we'll never tell another other's walker's life. As we walk to the end there will be only a conflagration: no words, no choices, just the darkness and those voices. Voices from the darkness tear your soul apart and leave you to die in the darkness of your night. We are walkers, this is our world for now.
Кожен мій день це терпіння навколо. Кожен мій день почуваюсьчужою. Вважала колись,що добре далеко. А зараз вважаю,що гірше ніж було вдома. Вдома тебе зрозуміють.А тут тобі скажуть " Не треба тут гри!" Вдома тихіше завжди.А тут крики і маски чужі. Моє життя всі вважають ідеальним.Але це "ІДЕАЛЬНЕ" життя дорожче коштує за спокійне життя. Усі мають маски і носять під ними брехню.Не слухай цих масок!Не слухай брехні! Цінуй все,що ти маєш у цьому житті!Що не носить масок брехні! Ховатись за ними не буде лише рідна людина!Любіть тих хто цінує по справжньому!Цінуйте тих хто любить по справжньому!