Cold Angel
The Monster Of The Murky Blue Lake
The Nurses Part 1
Flames Are Burning Part 1
Flames Are Burning Part 1
Flames are burning,

I’m in mourning,

Everything around me crumbles,
Everything’s nothing but ashes, 
Why does this happen to me? I mumble,

It all slowly dies everything I touch, 
I’ve finally had enough, 
Oh, if only I could be normal,

I lay weeping,
Foot steps approach me,
Whoever they belong to must be unsure if I was dead or sleeping,
They touch my shoulder, 
I stir and grumble,
"Come," the voice says as I hear a rumble
A part of the foundation has crumbled,
Scream I wanted to do more than move,
Certainly I deserved to die,
To burn in this fire,
For what I had done,

Pure innocence and grace got swept away,
Today, my little sister decayed under my touch,
My mother’s kind heart turned cold,
To save her youngest child she tried,
Just one slight touch,
That was enough,

"You can’t stay here," the voice spoke,
No choice,
Had to move,
No more,
No more would die today,

"Fine, please do not touch me," I begged,
Scrambling to my feet,
The state of the room,
The blazing flames,
Roaring around us,
Started a pounding of human drum designed for survival,

"Let’s go," the voice spoke,
Huge and fine features presented this soft spoken voice, 
Headed to the door in a rush,
Half falling down the blackened stairs,
We made it out into clear air,
I finally coughed,
My lungs relaxed,
They felt awakened,

So many lights,
They burnt my eyes,
Red, blue and white,
Shone against the night,
Without awareness,
I got ushered forwards,
Till I sat at the back of the hospital van,

A hand reaching out towards me snapped me back,
"I’m fine. Don’t touch me."
Jumped away from them,
No where was safe,
Not for them,
Not while I was around,
Not while I was around,
I needed to be far,
No one else would die,
That I could not bare,
Not evil but just cursed,
No one deserved to die under my hands,
No more,
Oh, yes this will be the last time,
The air whooshed past my ears,
The cold air stung my skin,
It all whizzes past,
It’ll all be OK,
I just need to go,
Where I can’t kill no more,
I’ll run and hide,
Oh, this will be the last time,
Die no one else will.

© C A Quinn,
книга «Twisted Darkness».