I wrote this poem to let you know That the dirt in this place as to go And as you read this poem you will see,  That I don’t dig dirt and dirt don’t dig me. It causes too much havoc in this society. And it makes extra work for you and me.  Believe it or not but its is true, Let me give you an example or two. Dirt is the stuff that you wash out of your hair. It makes your booty bite your underwear. When it gets in your eye you’ll cry and not laugh. It will make you take a double bubble bath.  It will make you buy a mop and a broom. It will even make you clean yourq room.  Now I want to erase dirt from this land.  Although long ago we used to be friends. We used to play outside in the good ol’ sandbox. And when I went home I would have dirt in my socks. I never knew dirt was trying to get me in trouble.  Until one day I got a whoopin’.  With my dirty ol’ sand shovel.  From that day on I left dirt alone. I made sure I didn’t bring any dirt home. But then one day when I fell in the street. I noticed there was dirt up under my feet. And from that day on we became foes.  Because dirt was the reason I fell off my toes.  The reason why I’m telling you about my former friend, Is because you’ll never know when he’ll strike again. So let this be a warning from me to you, And look out for dirt before he gets you too.
2018-08-26 03:56:05
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Its funny how dirt was once cherished and now discarded. I love them even now though.... u bought back old memories.... thank you.
2018-08-26 04:37:21
Madison Tyler
I like this
2018-08-28 09:58:13
Схожі вірші
نكته تخليك تشخ من الضحك
What a fish called without an eye ? Fsh.... 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭تضحك قسم بس انتو ماتفهمون
انا و الكثير من كاتبات الكيبوب الكبار بالواتباد حالياً نشتغل على مشروع ان شاء الله بيدعمكم من حيث تطوير مهاراتكم بالكتابه و غيره اتوقع بنكشف عنه في نهاية أغسطس، و بتلقونا انتشرنا فجأه مثل السرطان 😂💕 بس السالفه مفيده لكم يعني مو لنا... المشروع بعنوان #GTC نتمنى يفيدكم ❤