Part One : Hidden Faces
Cassandra's disbelief morphed into a seething anger that simmered just beneath the surface. How could Louise, someone she trusted implicitly, make such a reckless mistake? Handing out her address to a stranger—it was an unfathomable breach of privacy. What was Louise thinking, insisting on delving into her past when Cassandra had clearly moved on, embracing the life she'd carefully constructed?

Despite the torrent of emotions within her, Cassandra knew that Louise's intentions were rooted in concern for her well-being. Louise genuinely believed that knowing her past was essential to her growth and healing. Yet, standing there, infuriated beyond measure, Cassandra couldn't find it in herself to reprimand Louise. The weight of Louise's good intentions held her back from uttering the words that threatened to escape her lips.

With a brisk turn, Cassandra stormed away from Louise's office. She needed to be alone, to process what had just transpired. She needed to return to the sanctuary of her apartment, where she felt a modicum of control in this otherwise turbulent city. Every interaction with the past sent shockwaves through her carefully built world.

As Cassandra approached her apartment, her apprehension intensified when she noticed the door slightly ajar. Her heart pounded in her chest as she cautiously entered. Her instincts on high alert, she instinctively reached for a baseball bat, kept conveniently near the entrance. Slowly, she made her way to Mal's room, dread pooling in the pit of her stomach.

Pushing open the unlocked door, Cassandra's heart sank at the sight that greeted her. A scream pierced the air—Mal's scream. The room was a disarray of chaos, mirrors stained with a kaleidoscope of lipstick colors. "What the actual fuck," Mal exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock and anger. She looked at Cassandra accusingly. "Did you do it, Cas?"

Cassandra's own shock mirrored Mal's. "No! I just got here. Why would I?"

In her heart, Cassandra knew exactly what had transpired. Someone had intruded into their apartment, vandalizing their personal space. But she couldn't reveal her suspicions to Mal, not now. She couldn't burden her with her past and the dark shadows it cast. Instinctively, she sought to deflect blame from herself, pointing at Mal's alcohol-induced antics from the night before. "Maybe you did it when you were drunk last night."

An instant pang of guilt gripped Cassandra. She knew better than to undermine Mal, especially in a moment when she needed support the most.

"God damn, Cas, I would never do this, do you know how much these lipsticks costs?"

Mal retorted, her voice a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. The weight of her circumstances weighed heavily on her, and Cassandra felt a renewed surge of guilt.

"look Mal I didn't do this, but if you want Im okay with paying for this". Mal shakes her head "No no Cas I trust you. Leave it." She sits on bed exhausted. 

Cassandra, realizing the gravity of the situation, sat down beside Mal and pulled her into a comforting embrace.  Mal's vulnerability resonated with Cassandra, and she wished more than anything to shield her from the world's cruelties.

Mal slumped against her, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Cassandra's grip tightened as she reassured Mal, "Everything will be fine."

Yet, even as she spoke those words, her mind was already racing ahead, considering the measures she needed to take to safeguard their home. Amazon searches for CCTV cameras, new locks, and possibly even a weapon swirled in her thoughts. She refused to be a victim in her own space.
© Sarah Stewart,
книга «When I Was You».
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