I'm tired of waiting, Fed up of trying, I must be hating, But I'm still crying. Waiting is hard, It's all caz of my heart, We both are apart, But there should be a new start. Why I am this dumb? What did I become? I don't care about them, I just want you to come.
2020-09-06 16:43:45
Схожі вірші
If it wasn't for you, I would have fought the wall to the pain. If you weren't mine, I'd die every night from losing blood. If it wasn't for your faith, I'd have given up a long time ago. If it were my will, I would stay with you forever. If you'd gone, I'd have been the old emptiness. You would have taken my heart, and instead of it there was an empty aperture. If it wasn't for you, I'd blazed in forgiveness. Would have burned to ashes, until ground, I would have until the last healing.
Не скажу "люблю"
Знаєш, складно Тебе любити й не сказати. Тебе кохати і збрехати, Що зовсім іншого люблю, І що до тебе не прийду. Знаєш, той "інший" мене теплом своїм зігріє. Зачарує і поцілує, А ти сиди там далі сам, І йди назустріч виючим вітрам. Тобі вже більше не скажу своє я болісне "люблю"... А просто відпущу і почуття у собі похороню.